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CIT15 Computer Concepts 
TTh 10:00 Class

Fresno City College
 Dr. Joan Frese, Instructor

Grades   Calendar   Homework  Lab Assignments

-An overview of computers
-Intended for students with little or no eexperience, however moves faster than CIT12   
-Transferable to
Fresno State
 -When students finish with CIT15 they should be able to:
          Demonstrate familiarity with the Windows Operating System and how to operate a microcomputer.
          Describe the basic hardware components of a computer system.
          Discuss common software packages and their functions.
          Use a word processing program to perform basic tasks (Word).
          Use a spreadsheet program to build spreadsheets and create graphs (Excel).
          Find and extract information from the Internet (Search Engine).
          Create and send e-mail via the Internet (Yahoo).
          Use a database program to build and modify a simple database (Access).
          Design a simple computer program (Visual Basic).
          Discuss computer networks and have an understanding of WANs and LANs.
          Explain the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

Required Texts:
 Understanding Computers:  Today and Tomorrow, Comprehensive; Morley & Parker; Course Technology.
The O'Leary Series:  Office Word, Office Excel, Office Access 2003 (Brief) McGraw Hill

      USB memory stick
      Bring lab book, memory stick, pen, paper and folder for your returned work to class every day

Ø     You will be graded on participation (5 points deducted when you are absent and therefore cannot participate)
Ø    It is the student’s responsibility to find out assignments missed
Ø     If you will be absent more than one day, please CALL INSTRUCTOR
4 classes missed or unsatisfactory progress is grounds for instructor to drop a student
Ø     With 4 or more absences, your grade will be dropped by 1 FULL LETTER GRADE
Ø     Two tardies  = 1 absence (Your responsibility to let instructor know if you arrive late)
Ø     Leaving class more than 15 minutes early is considered a tardy unless instructor approval
Ø     If you wish to drop the class IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY
NO food, drinks, children or pets in class - no exceptions!

Make-up Policy:
Ø     You WILL need to do some assignments outside of class. 
      If you do not have access to a 
computer with the programs we are using you may need to sign up for CIT260 or CIT261

Ø     Homework only accepted one day late for 2 pts.
Ø     More than 2 homework assignments missed – your grade will be dropped 1 full letter grade
Ø     Lab assignments will only be accepted one day late for half credit.

No make-up is allowed on any quizzes.  
      If a student misses a test, the next test will be counted double. 
      If  you miss more than one test, one will be counted as zero points. 
      If extreme circumstances arise, please call instructor.

You MUST let instructor know in advance if you have to miss the scheduled lab test or final exam 
      so arrangements can be made to take early. (Or Zero Points)

Note:  Students must do their own work!  Students found cheating will receive a zero on test or assignment or may be dropped.  A note will be put in your permanent record.