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Hello, and thanks for surfing your way onto ,
recently chosen for an award for best web design...How in the world did you land on this page, anyways? Maybe you were seaching for fun things to do with jello, maybe you were trying to find info on how to clone yourself or your farm animals, or maybe you just KNOW WHERE TO GO TO SEE A KICK-ASS WEB SITE! (The language used here is suitable for most family members, but not all). I started creating this random web site in the winter of '97, and every now and again I have been updating and adding to the pages here.... right now my site isn't too bad (so I'm told), but it can't compete with some of those wild and crazy psycho web pages out there that take control of your brain when you visit. I'll be improving stuff as I get the free time to do so. Sit back, relax awhile, and enjoy your stay! Please do not steal the towels and washcloths you were issued in your bathroom, because you will be billed later. Also, feel free to visit anytime, because this web page is:
Right now I am taking a break from my life in the USA, so I came over here to Brisbane, Australia for two semesters. I'll be here at the University of Queensland until December of 1998. If you are interested in reading a frequently updated online journal of my trip, please click HERE. Be warned- I have a tendency to ramble on and on about stuff!

Reading is great fun, and if you don't like to read you should scroll on down a little more and check out something else. But if you do like books, check out my page of really cool books!! I read whenever I get the chance, and there are all kinds of great books out there that I bet you haven't read.. My bookstore contains some of my faves, plus a lot of selections chosen by some incredibly cool people I know... plus, you can BUY books right here! Just click on the word "Books" above and you will be whisked away to Mad Man Mike's Bookstore! (recently updated!)
-==MOVIES!==-First off, lemme just tell you that I am a movie freak- I love to watch tons and tons of movies. I even watch movies that no human being should have to sit through because they suck so bad, but generally I do everything in my power to see the movies that I think will be worthwhile. Over the past 4 years I worked in a movie theater, so I have seen hundreds of FREE movies (What's that? You mean that you actually pay the $7.50 to see a movie?), plus I try to check out as many independent flicks as I can- support the little people! I've been babbling on and on, so just click one of the funky eyeballs below to see Mad Man Mike's Favorite Movie Page!

-==MUSIC!==-Above I mentioned that I am a movie freak... well, I am also a music freak too!! Actually, I think I am just a complete freak, don't you agree?! I have put together a GREAT page with a whole bunch of bands that I like (including Semisonic, Marcy Playground, Cracker, Radiohead and heaps more), along with a few WAV and AU sound samples (severely outdated), so you don't have to believe me that the music is cool. You can take a listen, and if you don't like some of it you can email me telling me it sucks. Ok? Fair enough? Also, maKe DAMN sure you go here,
CD NOW if you wanna buy nearly any CD online at great prices!!

Click one of the bompin' radios below to go to Mad Man Mike's Music Page.. Recently updated!

Also, while you are at my web site, check out some cool new pictures I have online of the band TONIC, including one of me and the band! Oh yeah! Click the little "Lemon Parade" CD cover.
-==LINKS & DRINKS!==-Hey, this is definatiely a random page of mine that you have to check out. Collected here are a few of my favorite links (with more to come shortly), along with the neat-o refreshing beverages I like to drink. What more could you ask for in a page? And it rhymes!! Just click a snapple man below =). ATTENTION INSANELY COOL WEBMASTERS! If you have a web page and are willing to link to my weird little corner of the web, PLEASE lemme know and I'll add you onto my page. Deal? Great.

-==SURVEY!==-Got a few free minutes? Then you should take Mad Man Mike's Crazy Survey that I just got finished changing for the summer. Try it- it's fun! You'll like it, honest... Just give it a whirl! Click the word "survey" above.
-==PICTURES!==-Finally! Quite some time ago now I scanned a few pictures of ME, and some friends. If for some reason you are interested in seeing them (YES YES YES!), just click the word Pictures here or above to go to the picture page.. you will not be disappointed by these (somewhat) cool photos. Just check them out, ok? Make up your own mind if they are cool or not! Also, if you are craving something more recent, go to my AUSSIE picture pages. Check out the thumbnails by clicking here: Mike's Aussie Pix!
Mike's Picture Page

Curious as to who I am? I know that you must be, unless of course you already know me (lucky you!). Lemme introduce myself- my name is Mike Corbin and I am usually a student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I am a Psychology and Biology major, and I am finishing semester right now . I really like good 'ole Amherst, Massachusetts (do NOT pronounce the 'H' or you will be lynched by the locals..), and I'll be returning in the Spring of '99. Hopefully I'll be able to stand (and pay for) another million years of education. I bet you are sitting there wondering what I look like. Here I am making this GROOVY homepage at my computer- what a hard working little boy I am!! Feel free to send me lots of donations. I like money- SHOW ME THE MONEY!!

Speaking of the phrase "SHOW ME THE MONEY" from the excellent movie Jerry Maguire, believe it or not I actually had the opportunity to chat with the writer/director/producer of the movie, Cameron Crowe. The answer he gave me to one of the questions I asked was PUBLISHED in the March 14, 1997 issue of Entertainment Weekly in Cybertalk under the Multimedia section- I'm REALLY excited about this!! It's so cool! I guess my questions must have been pretty important, huh? To see what I asked (and how he responded) click below
Mike's Cameron Crowe Q&A!
Hey, aside from being a full time college student, I also just made a new movie, and you are about to get a special preview of it. I had a wonderful time filming and I can't wait until it opens in theaters.. I was able to snag one of the promo movie posters, so here it is hot off the press:

You don't believe me?!?! Honest, it's true... wait until you see who gets ground up in the woodchipper this time!! I hear Oscar calling my name..(yeah right!)
Random Poem Time!!!
Surfing the web is great most of the time, but what makes it really cool is when you actually learn something new or come across something incredibly cool. Well, now is your chance- READ THIS POEM! It is "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T. S. Eliot, and it is amazing. I first read it about 8 years ago, and I remember liking it a lot, especially some of the questions it raises. Now, many years later, its meaning is totally different to me- the multiple allusions to Shakespeare, Dante, and the Bible make a lot more sense now than they did to my 12 year old mind, and the use of vivid imagery and metaphor is even more astounding. Read it once and you'll think it's good; twice and you'll think it's great; and after that you better hold onto your head and keep it from exploding! Don't ever say that Mad Man Mike didn't try to increase your literary knowledge! (Special thanks to Steve for bringing this back to my attention.)
Do YOU dare disturb the universe?

Midi's are cool, Midi's are great, Midi's are rad... ok, ok, so they reminds you of being trapped in an elevator or something, so what? Just check out Mike's MIDI Mania for a handful of exceptionally cool MIDI files. I guarantee it.
Hey You!This is a NO SMOKING web site, so if you are puffing on a cancer stick, put it out right now or face the risk of public hummiliation.
You are wacko number
to visit Mad Man Mike's World of... uhm, totally random (but cool) stuff, since its creation on February 22, 1997. Unlike some people, I don't give out awards to every 100th, millionth, or billionth person to visit my site, but I love all of my visitors from the bottom of my spleen. Best wishes in your on-line adventures.Ok, Ok, so that counter isn't very accurate... here is the real counter in case you are curious as to how many people have been here! Hee hee... if you didn't like the other counter you have no sense of humor!!

The picture of the sheep in the web-tracker is not an actual sheep, but rather a CLONE of a real sheep. Beware of the CLONES!!! (note from Mad Man Mike: I just found out that the picture in that web tracker is actually a wild cheetah, but I'm just gonna keep calling it a sheep because I feel like it)

LeaveMad Man Mike a Message!
View Mad Man Mike's Messages

Here we are almost at the bottom of my somewhat cool page. Did you actually think I would let you go this far without seeing my OLD mascot, VIPER DUDE? Haha. I appologize for making you waste any of your precious time if you didn't enjoy the site, but chances are if you are at this web page right now you have nothing better to do! Check back in a little while (like, maybe 25 years!!) and I'll have something cool to look at. Email me if you want- Especially if you liked something here. I promise to read every word you write and maybe I'll respond, too!

Everything on this homepage and subsequent pages
© 1997-1998
(my crap, not yours, so don't STEAL IT!)
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