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And now it's time again for. . .
Dear Goody Goody
What We Do:
This is a Christian advice page for teens and college students! We work with the common advice column format: An individual writes a letter to GoodyGoody (goody_goody@hotmail.com), who then replies to all letters in the order recieved (exception: suicide letters take first priority), sending the response to that individual and posting it here. We answer approximately one letter per month, sometimes more often if needs arise.
Why we do this:
We exist to help young adults find their way through the confusion of today's world. Sensing a need for Christ-centered ministry to one of the the biggest groups of internet users, young adults, we give you this page with a prayer of meeting that need.
Legal-Type Stuff:
No names will be posted unless specified by the author that they may be. The writer of this page reserves the right to edit letters for length.
Oh, and by the way, even though you're only person to admit that you need Jesus to solve your problems, you're person to visit us since april 1997!