
Shina game
What is Amnesty International? |
Amnesty International is an international human rights organization of over 1,100,000
members working to free prisoners of conscience. Prisoners of conscience are those imprisoned for
their ethnic origin, race, sex, religion, or beliefs, provided they have neither used nor
advocated violence. Amnesty International is non profit and non partisan.
Amnesty International at Kent State University is a student chapter of this important
organization. To learn more about Amnesty overall, click About
AI. If you still have questions, go to the question and
answer forum. We'll answer your question as soon as
possible. |
Does Amnesty International Get Results? |
Several prisoners a month are released, given a trial,
allowed to see their families, or are spared further torture. It is estimated a full third of the prisoners Amnesty International fights
for receive some improvement in their condition. That could mean the improvements given
above, or just a meal or a blanket. Sometimes, just a crumpled note tossed in a cell
saying, "We know you are alive" can give a person the will to live. You make the
difference by helping millions of caring people around the world uphold basic human ideals
of decent behavior. Join Amnesty International nationally (1-800-Amnesty) or here at
Kent State. If you are near Kent, why not contact Amnesty
International at Kent State University. |
Tiananmen Square Massacre |
In 1989 a brutal crack-down by Chinese authorities left
scores of dead and wounded in and around Tiananmen square. Their crime was a peaceful protest
against government corruption. Following the execution and brutalization of hundreds
of students, the government then began a witch hunt around the world for the organizers of
the protest, in order to kill or imprison them. Click for a photo collection
that details the events of that year with over 250 pictures. Amnesty International will
not let the world forget the tragedy of Tiananmen. That is why Amnesty created an
interactive program called "Legacy of Tiananmen" for the IBM PC. Just download the zip file to learn more about Tiananmen and the
following terror. Such flagrant abuse of innocent citizens can no longer be tolerated. |
Some Other Notes |
Be sure to sign our
guest book before you go, you may view it first if you
wish. Also, check out our awards. Feel free to send
us your feedback. Thank you for your interest in human
rights. Another way to show your interest is to link to us and contribute your own
link. |