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Tango PIC=^..^= ~~TomCat's Litterbox~~ =^..^=Tango PIC

Embot PIC Pure clean wholesome fun... well, mostly... Embot PIC

This page was last updated on April 5, 1999. Yes, I did do something!!! I'm adding a new section today, "PezCat's Poll". It'll change from each time I put a new update on, anyone who wants to put their two kitty treats in can go to that page and submit their response their. I won't change the topic until I get enough to make a legit top 5 or whatever, so you'd better all tell me yer thoughts! =^..^=

humans have visited the litterbox since March 4, 1998. Approximately 12% of them have dug through the sand and found buried treasure...

TechD PIC.......TechD PIC.......TechD PIC

Tango's Cyber Portal: Links for pages that I find important. Directions inside, but enter at your own risk (or lack thereof)

Cat Scratches: These are the poems that I write. Exactly how much you'll like them I don't know, but as with everything on my no-cost homepage, they come with a money back guarantee of satisfaction...

Silverstripe's Song: A story that I am writing, that is when I have time I'm writing it. If you like fantasy, it may be worth a look...

How to Breed a Chocobo: by Cait Sith. FF7 fans, look here for all your chocobo needs.

Catnips: A short tail means short writings, but not writings short on heart.

Whiskers of the Soul: The philosophies of one mere little cat... but maybe they have some truth to them?

Email me!! Please? I'll be your friend... I won't use your litterbox without asking first like I did last time...

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