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The Aubrey-Maturin Series

The Complete Aubrey/Maturin Series (18 volumes)

  1. Master and Commander
    Our first meeting with our friends Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin.
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  2. Post Captain
    Jack finds himself cast on the shore at the beginning of this novel. Have no fear, he will get a command.
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  3. HMS Surprise
    Jack first command of his beloved HMS Surprise!
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  4. The Mauritius Command
    Jack and Stephen are placed at the center of O'Brian's account of Brittain's recapturing of the islands of Mauritius and La Reunion.
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  5. Desolation Island
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  6. The Fortune of War
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  7. The Surgeon's Mate
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  8. The Ionian Mission
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  9. Treason's Harbor
    My favorite in the series. Land & sea. Deceit, espionage & battle!
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  10. The Far Side of the World
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  11. The Reverse of the Medal
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  12. The Letter of Marque
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  13. The Thirteen Gun Salute
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  14. The Nutmeg of Consolation
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  15. The Truelove
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  16. The Wine-Dark Sea
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  17. The Commodore
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  18. The Yellow Admiral
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  19. The Hundred Days
    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

Biographies by Patrick O'Brian

Other Stories by Patrick O'Brian

Reading to enhance Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin Series

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Other Authors

You have read through the Aubrey-Maturin series and the Pre Aubrey-Maturin books but you still have salt in your veins. Here are some authors I have read to satisfy my need to go to sea (currently from an arm chair).

by Sebastian Junger

by James L. Nelson

Revolution at Sea Trilogy

With the last name Nelson, what esle could he write about?
  1. By Force of Arms
    " The tradition of Patrick O'Brian's epics is carried on gloriously in this first novel of a new historical naval adventure series, set during the time of the War of Independence. Merchant sea captain Isaac Biddlecomb flees the New England coast after engaging a British man-of-war and foiling its bid to seize his illicit cargo. When fate casts him into the hands of a sadistic British captain, Biddlecomb's thirst for liberty is put to the ultimate test. "

    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  2. The Maddest Idea
    "When gunpowder reserves dwindle to dangerously low levels in 1775, General George Washington sends Captain Isaac Biddlecomb on a treacherous mission to capture British gunpowder in Bermuda."

    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

  3. The Continental Risque
    "Nelson's exciting seafaring trilogy concludes. As cries for independence ring through the chambers of the Second Continental Congress, Captain Isaac Biddlecomb and his crew are called upon to engage The Royal Navy."

    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

Christine's Book Club

  1. Correlli's Mandolin by Louis De Bernieres
    "In the early days of World War II, before Benito Mussolini invaded Greece, Dr. Iannis practices medicine on the island of Cephalonia, accompanied by his daughter, Pelagia, to whom he imparts much of his healing art. Even when the Italians do invade, life isn't so bad, at first. The officer in command of the Italian garrison is the cultured Captain Antonio Corelli, who responds to a Nazi greeting of "Heil Hitler" with his own "Heil Puccini," and whose most precious possession is his mandolin. It isn't long before Corelli and Pelagia are involved in a heated affair--despite her engagement to the young fisherman, Mandras, who has gone off to join Greek partisans. Love is complicated enough in wartime, even when the lovers are on the same side. And for Corelli and Pelagia, it becomes increasingly difficult to negotiate the minefield of allegiances both personal and political as all around them atrocities mount, former friends become enemies, and the ugliness of war infects everyone it touches."

    Paperback/ Hardcover/ Audio Cassette

    (c) Copyright 1997,1998 by DogWatch
    last modified 12/09/98