Mu Phi Epsilon

My Mu Phi Epsilon Sisters

This is a page devoted to the Alpha Omega chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon at Stephen F. Austin State University. This is a professional music fraternity, in which our chapter is all women. I became a member of this organization in the Spring of 1997. I am now an alumni member.

This is a picture of some of the members at one of our spring formals. We're boogying down. I'm the one of the far left.

I have made a menu of the pictures my Sisters and I so it doesn't take as long to load.

Pledges, Spring '97

Lock-In, Fall '97

Big Sis/Lil Sis, Fall '97

Formal, Spring '98

Suppressed Desires, Spring '98

This was the pledge class from Fall 1997. Not pictured, Emily.

This, I adore!!! I stole it from the Trinity chapter's webpage. Sorry guys, hope you don't mind, it was too cute!!!

I would like to thank my good friend and Mu Phi Epsilon sister Amber for making this page possible. With out her I would be totally lost. If you'd like, you can visit Amber's site here: Amber's True Loves

*NEW* Here's a link to another Mu Phi gal's page. Click here to see Allison's Page

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