Thank you!!!!

This page is dedicated in the memory of Allison Woodcock (1984-2000). We'll miss ya Doodle.

This is just a list of people I have to thank.

  1. My Family, whose love and support have helped me make it to where I am today.
  2. All of my friends, you know who you are.
  3. The Burl Hardy, William Meier, Dave Buss, "Buzzy" Buss, Mel Quinn, Roger Allbee, Norb Wieland and Roger Reed Families. 
  4. All of my former High School classmates, good luck to you all.
  5. Sandhills Community College, where I was able to teach a few southern boys a "Yankee" card game, and generally waste time between classes.
  6. All of the people who taught me this game.
  7. To all of the people I taught, remember, there is a lot I have not showed you. You'll have to pick it up yourself!
  8. For all of those people who never believed that I would amount to anything in this world. Your arrogance, stupidity, and prejudice help me to where I am today. THANK YOU!

Below are companies whose products and services gave me many great hours of quality Euchre Playing and or just plain Fun. This is not and endorsement, only a thank you!

The following business are great places to visit, eat, or to just enjoy yourself. If in the area, I would recommend stopping by
Signature Ace of Spades with Metalhead written across it

You Only Live Once.. ..So Live Life to the fullest!
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