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all the ex-officials of UBCDSC are encouraged to join!!
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A confirmation message will be sent to you within a week, otherwise please resubmit your application. 
Dragon Seed Connection
M e m b e r ' s  w e b s i t e s
Eva Shen
Edwin Cheung
William Hui
Elson Kung
Howard & Cecilia
Andy Lau
Don't Worry be Married
 All rights reserved (C) 
UBC Dragon Seed Alumni, 2000
Last Update: March 24, 2001   
Hey Fellows don't worry....(nah not married =))... This site is being not hacked (well why bother hacking this site if it's.....oh wait GeoCities is under Yahoo! now). This is Alan the Bing modifying this site just to add some pix we took at our BBQ cruise (-BBQ + crab tearing) and the real BBQ. Feel free to download the pix. If you have any questions regarding the pix please send me an email. If you have any complains about the pix please send Billy an email because he did the scanning =). Cheer!
As Many of you might have known that, our Talented Mr. Fung is once again the designer of Canada Post's New Year stamp. His previous collectables include the year of Rabbit stamp and Asia Pacific Year of Canada. To read more about Ken's stamp click on this dragon stamp and you could find out more on Canada Post's page.  

Currently we are looking for your help to expand our membership. You might have realized that the total number of members is far below that of qualified DSC ex-exec. In one year we had 70+ exec on the list, and where are these people gone? If you know anyone who used to be an exec of DSC, please talk him/her about this website and we are looking forward to building a more complete contact list. 
If you have a personal website to share (or to show off) please don't be shy! 
Your Name:   
Your Site: http:// 

Hard to memorize the URL? Accidently deleted the bookmark? The computer crashed again? Or you just like the simple way. Try this. 

Recently UBC Alumni Association (Hong Kong) Branch has contacted our DSC fellows and see if DSC could help spread the words about their existance. If you would like to learn more about this organization you could go to their website at www.ubcalumni.com.hk  
UBC Alumni
UBC Young Alumni