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Scotland, England, and a little Drama
Ok, I was going to put pictures from "Oliver!" on this page, but seeing as I don't have any, I have to do this.
Our trip to Scotland started as any other trip would.  We got packed, we got rushed, and we rushed to the airport.  I have never been in a 777 before!  Anyway, we got there and it was very nice and very quaint.The cute little sheep was one of the first to greet us in the wonderful land that is Scotland.  The plane ride was pretty comfortable and the food was palettable.  However, I missed the animals.  Never on an airplane can you see sheep roaming round the isles.  Except maybe for private charters.  I missed those cuddly little creatures... and animal I missed from the states is the cow.  This big combersome animal is a sorce for hours of entertainment!  Just throw stuff at it and it will say "Mooooo!"  and if you say hi to it, it will say "mooooo!".  They are cute.  The only replacement for the cow that I can think of is the sheep.  And this sheep here is the coolest sheep in the world!  He has a very cute face and his DNA was just right for cloning.  So we did.  We gathered his DNA in my backpack and I threw it up in the air and low and behold, out came these!  Three copies of the same sheep.  Now bare in mind that these are test sheep, so no one was allowed to shag them.  But there were many sheep in the backround that people felt free to shag. 

Right, I have finals tomorrow and I have to study.  So I'll leave you with the pictures that I'm going to put on this page, and fill in the text later.  Enjoy.
-A half sunken boat I took a picture of in Scotland, after talking to sheep.  It came out quite well...

A boathouse not near the boat in the previous picture.  I took this on top of some big tourist trap of a castle.

This is a Highland Cow, or as the scotsmen call it, the "Huilind Coo" Arn't they cute?

If one is good, than two is better!

That's me on the right.  And my good friend, Nick on the left.  This is durring our 10 minute play performances.  Nick and I both directed one.

This is me and my cast, and the writer of the fine play.  If only someone could have taken the picture with a little ballence as to not chop off the Capitan and Scurvy's bodies...

And finally, I leave you with my favorite drink, Absolut Respect!  It's a very tasty beverage that instantly gives you respect from your peers!  WOW!

That's all for now, but hopefully I'll get back to this and add some more pictures...
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