Prom, Dog, and Other Stuff
This page is devoted to what the title says, Prom, my
friend's dog, and other stuff I feel like putting on here. Our first picture
is from my Senior Prom. I'm not sure what the theme was, but I'm sure it
was retarded and stupid (Redundantcy is repetative). I
went with Mary Speed, a junior at my school. I was spending a lot of time
with her before prom because we were in the middle of putting on the drama
production, Oliver.
Click there to go see what we did.
was the head of the scenery crew and I dubbed her assistant head. It was
brilliant the way it worked out that year because I am very carpentry oriented
and she is a painter. A great painter in fact. So I, the efficient worker
that I am, built the set, and she, the brilliant painter that she is, painted
it. What chemistry! :) So I asked her to prom, naturally! It was one of
the best decisions I made all year. She is the only one I know that I can
feel perfectly comfortable saying anything to and not get worried that
she might get offended. It was great. And she felt the same way. Instant
friendship! Wow! Prom was fun and exciting and all that jazz. I had a great
time, better than any other dance. All my friends had fun as well and not
many people were
and getting in fights (That's good). The music however what so retarded
that all they played was crappy rap and dance music. Yuck!! Anyway, aside
from prom, my friends and I went on a lot of road trips this year. We went
to visit Coelle's boyfriend, Eric. That was exciting! To the left, you
see Coelle attached to Eric as she usually is. This picture was taken in
a hotel we all stayed at while visiting him. Eric is a very nice person
Here, we see eric standing in my room making a silly face as he usually
does. He is a very silly person, less now than before, but that's to be
expected. Eric and I were in the same section in marching band, the low
brass! He played bass trombone and I played euphonium.
is also a very good singer. In this next picture, we see Eric and me in
our Spartan Singer outfits. The Spartan Singers were my high school's top
show choir. we were both basses, and as we all know how manly basses are!
Coelle and I were in Spartan Singers the next year together. She, however,
was not a bass, although she tried many times with minimal success (that's
too bad).
back to road trips. Anytime we didn't go visit Eric on a road trip, we'd
go see PJ's girlfriend, Woman. We all call her woman but her real name
is Jenny (how original). These next pictures are of Jenny and her house,
and her dog! A beautiful black laberdor. We kept forgetting his name, so
we named it Dog after it's long glorious herritage.
was a few months old in this picture and is now very large. You can get
a clue on how big Dog is by looking at his paws. The bigger they are, the
bigger they grow. Here, I am playing with Dog sporting my new beard that
I was growing both for the play "Oliver" and to not look like
my younger brother, Patrick. Coelle, Johann, PJ, and I stayed at Woman's
house for a few days and went around Colonial Williamsburg together. Woman
introduced us to a few of her friends and we went walking and movie watching
and bowling, (I got a turkey! OOH, fun!).
next picture we see is of PJ and Dog reclining in the chair. Reclining
in the chair is a favorate pasttime of students at Broad Run. (Sorry, I
had a yearbook lapse. That's when the captions you write under the pictures
are completely stupid and funny to read. another highlight of my senior
year). Dog really got around on this trip. In fact, his got some lap out
of every one of us. This next picture shows Dog trying to bite Johann's
hand off.
is notorious for not wanting to do anything that anyone else wants to do
and will always get pissed when we do something that he doesn't want to
do. This happens often. In fact, I think the only time I see him with a
smile on his face is when we are at Golden China, but then again, it's
a good restauraunt!
we aren't all out on road trips, my house serves the purpose of "Clique
Central", the "Casa de Party". In these next pictures, we
see what happens when outsiders enter my domain. Geoff Klein and Debbie
Hall are both in the class of '96 at Broad Run, like Eric. They are here
to visit and be silly with us, the Clique. The Clique is comprised of four
main people and several orbiting extentions. The core of the Clique is
comprised of Coelle, myself, PJ, and Johann. The extentions depend on who
we are dating (Dates get instant acceptance) or just enjoy having around.
Coelle's boyfriend,
Eric, has total acceptence because there is no way they are breaking up
for good, PJ and Woman have been going out since last summer, Johann is
practicing abstanance or something, and I'm, well, less stable than the
first two. Going back to the essance of "The Clique" there are
sertain phrases that must be said in order to gain acceptence into the
sacrid clan. These phrases change frequently, but for the first time ever,
these phrases will be publicly displayed. Enter the relm of Clique
Phrases! In this picture we see the clique at Project Graduation, an
all-night graduation party put on by the school to try to keep the kids
off the roads. It was long and boring, but at the end they gave out door
prizes and I won a pool toy! Wow! The Clique is here thinking
about what to do now that it's all over. Hmmmmmmm...
That's the end of this page, stay tuned for pictures of the Broad Run Drama troop in their production of "Oliver" and other fine plays.
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