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Here it is, the Florida page!!! This page is devoted to what I did this winter break in Florida. The first picture we see is of Bobbie, the wonderful para-sailing tour guide that we all grew to love. In fact I think he grew to love me a bit too much if you know what I mean... He had a buddy who drove the boat as he got the para-sails ready. His name was Patrick. The next picture is my brother Patrick and Patrick the boat driver behind him. Patrick (the brother) is sporting his lovely generic sunglasses and life vest. You can also see me in the reflection taking his picture. We went out para-sailing twice. Once for the usual 10 minute ride each and then the next time, 4 of us went out and took half hour rides up in the sky! It was truly beautiful! The best part was the fact that you could steer which way you want to go by leaning in a certain direction. This next one is a picture of our pal Bobbie tying up Andy's friend Bronwyn. Andy is my brother for all you people who don't know. The entire extended family went down to this beach on the golf of Mexico and hung out for an entire week. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, friends, all were there, but each family had their own house to stay in so there was some escape. :) We had no problem adapting to the Florida heat because it was winter and the temperature rarely went above 80 degrees. And to top it all off, every night came with a beautiful sunset like this one shown below. The mom and everyone would take walks on the beach and enjoy the cool breeze coming in from the Gulf of Mexico. It was definitely a high point of the trip. The best thing I enjoyed about Florida was the wave runners. Wave runners are like water motor cycles that you ride with one, two, or three people on it. Naturally, we wanted one for ourselves. So we rented a few for an hour and went out to see what we could see. Our only drawback was that we had to be within eyeshot from the wave runner rental place, but that was OK, it was still extremely fun. One day, we decided to take a wave runner tour of the island. Four of us on four wave runners, a family of five on two, and the tour guide went on a trek around the island. We saw dolphins and fish and boats and we got to go somewhere other than the front of the beach, which is good. Totally cool, I thought to myself as we rode through waterways and under bridges. At the end or our days, we'd sit and enjoy the sunset and calmly drink our Diet Coke and eat potato chips until it was time to go to bed. Most vacations have its ups and downs, this one was nothing but ups. It was definitely a highlight of my senior year in high school.

Coming up next, prom, my friends dog, and more!

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