I just found out how to change my bit map images
from my Connectix
QuickCam to change to jepeg images so they will work. When I'm at my
house, I like to sit at my computer and work on my page. Our first picture
to the left shows my habitat during the after-school hours. My office.
This shot is but one side of my office. In it, we see an old Mac LCII I
inherited but seldom use, a 13 inch color TV that also is in a state of
hibernation, and in front of the tv, my music stand which I use to practice
my music for band class with. Of course, you will notice the Diet Coke
cans in the foreground, they
are not a rarity at my house. The next picture down the line is one of
me. Here, I am seen sitting next to my brand new Alesis
midi keyboard. With it, I write my compositions in collaboration with
Finale 3.7, good
stuff. If you are wondering why I never change from this shirt in all these
pictures, it's because I am taking them all at the same time. This next
one you see is me very surprised to find a lot more space on my web page
provider than I thought I had. It was truly a pleasant surprise. When
I walk down the street, I find the world around me to be an amazing place.
There are trees, and birds, and squirrels, and rocks, and stores. I like
shopping. It's cool! Especially when I go shopping for computer stuff.
Nothing thrills me more than finding the perfect piece of software for
my needs. Well, some things thrill me more than that, but let's not go
there. This next one is of me looking at my computer trying to make applications
work on windows '95. It is a very frustrating experience indeed. But
I move on and so does the world. Day after day. Every day, life changes
(I smell a segue!). My day is very simple. I get up, go to school early
for a low brass sectional, the first class of the day is band. Wow, isn't
that such a great way to start your day? Yes, I thought so too. This is
what I do in band class. We start off by playing an Ab concert scale, very
slowly. It improves our playing, says our director. Apart from
playing, I sit on my butt and get told to play softer by the director, Miss
Freeland. What a great class (that's sarcasm, oh!). But I love playing
the euphonium,
especially when she doesn't tell me to be quiet and I can soar! This is
me playing the school's silver euphonium. Mine is the same, but much cooler
and at school. Playing the euphonium was the best mistake I ever made.
When I was in 4th grade, we had sign-ups to play an instrument in the band
next year. I was going to play the trombone with a friend of mine,
but the lady there, thinking she was sneaky or something, told me my arms
are too short, and that I should play the baritone. Ever since then,
it was nothing but good stuff! I have two brothers, a younger one,
and an older one. My
younger brother's name is Patrick, (right). He is a freshman this year
and plays in the symphonic band. He plays a euphonium too! My other brothers
name is Andy, he goes to Ithaca College.
Here, (below) we see he is popping his head through the grass. You can
see the family resemblance. He and his friends, in high school, started
a quasi gang called the bastards. They would hit their heads on doors and
fall on the floors
and all this stuff. Now, he is receiving his education at the Ithaca College
school of film. There, he makes movies and stuff. If you want to reach
Andy, you can visit the bastard
homepage. Filled with fun and excitement, this page is devoted to the
study and exploration of silliness. Andy started this page when he
was in high school, and now, he's at college living the good life that
only a film major can live. To
the right is me and my mom. She is, by far, the coolest mom in the world.
Not that she'll let you do anything you want to or anything, but that's
why she is the best mom. Do you see a resemblance? I think so. Later, on
this page, I hope to have more of my friends and pictures of other things
than my room. Places I go, people I see. This next person you see is one
of my best friends in the whole world and her friend, who is also my friend. Coelle
Schott (right) and Jenny Maddern (left). They are very cool also. Coelle
and I have been friends since we moved here at the same time in eighth
grade. She plays flute in the band and is going to Virginia Tech next fall,
majoring in aerospace engineering. College is insane! Not that I'm attending
now, but all the applications and essays and all that stuff is insane.
I got into VA Tech, and did not get accepted to the College of William
and Mary. So now I think I'm going to Tech
though. They have a marching band and their music program is much cooler.
Plus, it's not hot at all for the south. Hey, and now I am going to Tech,
it's amazing how life changes so. For some it changes very little.
Some of my friends are going to NOVA now, and I would only assume they
are not living elsewhere from their house. I could only hope their
parents aren't running their lives as much as they used to. And they
shouldn't. Parents have 18 years to do their best with their kids.
After then, the only thing they can do, is offer advice. But here
at college, I'm meeting all these new people. It's
a whole new world for me to look at. OOOH! I'm now going to Tech! Wow!
Exciting! Coelle is my best friend, but I have more friends than that.
PJ and Johann are my friends also. They are very cool. PJ plays the tuba
and Johann plays both tuba and trumpet. In the picture to your left, PJ
is sporting his typical white shirt and flannel. Isn't he a stud? Tell
that to his girlfriend, sorry ladies! :( I'm single though. ;) PJ's life
is centered around his tuba, Hindemith (right, duh). "Hindemith is a pretty
tuba," muses PJ Shaver. "It is respect. It was really expensive too, and
I encourage everyone to buy one, even if they don't have fifteen thousand
dollars to throw around." PJ is very picky when it comes to quality. His
Hirsbrunner epitomizes the essence of tuba. PJ has learned a great deal
from his music teacher, Miss Freeland. "The most valuable thing I've learned
from Miss Freeland is how to
count American triplets. They are respect." In this
picture to the left, PJ imitates his private teacher, community band director,
and friend, Mark Norman. Mark is a regular here at Broad Run and is the
Vivace specialist
at Music and Arts. On the right, you see my impression. While far worse
than PJ's, my impression provides insight into Mark's character.
Uh, yeah. Hey! Look! There's more!!!
Click the "Forward" button to go to part II
of the Picture Page, The Florida Chronicles!