But first, go and see my girlfriend Mary's home page!!!!!!!!
And after that, go see my friend Leanne's wedding at my House!
Matt Schrader is president, CEO, chairman, and founder of his company,
Silly Man Productions.
This 18 year old's aspirations to become a music composer are what motivated
him to start SMP.
"One of the things I like most about SMP," Matt explains, "is the ability to write a piece of music at a moments notice and have it out in circulation the next day. I remember one time I was commissioned to write five original pieces for a production of a play and with the help of SMP, I had the final drafts out and in rehearsal in less than a month."
Matt enjoys spending time with his girlfriend a lot, which gives him a lot of time on his hands since he doesn't have a girlfriend . So if you're interested and you are a girl, (sorry PJ, I'm not gay) Please send your name, age, and a brief statement about yourself to mtds@interramp.com. Matt is also a member of the Sterling Chex Mix Brass Ensemble, the That's Respect Brass, and the Broad Run Wind Ensemble.
This is Matt's
perfect woman. Soft skin, brown hair, beautiful eyes, great musician (violin
optional). (In case you're wondering, this girl is someone I found on the
web and have no relationship with her. But she's cute, don't you think.)
So if you are interested and you are a girl, Please, don't hesitate to
give him a call; but before you do, please view these criteria for sending
your information:
Matt started keeping an online journal for all to see. In it, he puts all his deepest darkest secrets. Ok, well, he doesn't update it EVERYday, but he tries to put something in at least once a year. See what Matt does at his house, what he feels, well not really, but he will talk about current happenings in his life and will update them every now and then. If you wish to see the crude beginnings of this journal, enter here!!!!!
Ever wonder just how many students are out there on the web making their own pages? Well wonder no more, go to the link page where you'll find a link to every student that gave Matt a link. Enter the Link Page!
If you love music, you'll love the Band Page!
Visit Matt's Picture Page! Here, Matt speaks in the first person as he guides you through pictures of himself and others.
Matt has a brother on the web too! Feel free to visit The Bastard Homepage! Full of silliness and audio clips!
Hey! Do you guys like free stuff on the web? Well then go to the Free Stuff Home page and get cool free stuff!
Do you ever feel the need to go to a movie? Well just go to Movie Link! It tells you the show times for theaters in your area and even tells you about the movies themselves. Go to the mystery movie link to see what you're missing in the theater. And if you're interested in movies, check out this vintage classic flic about a kun-foo fightn', woman usin', bad guy shootin' man called Dolemite! The special significance of this movie can not be explained, since there is none, other than PJ and his friends liking it so much.
Matt Schrader has an Internet service that he uses to dial in and read email, like all of the web surfers here. Matt's service, however, is one of the top internet service providers in the country, PSINet.
As everyone knows by now, this page is sponsored by geocities! The way geocities is set up is that there are neighborhoods or syber-hoods if you're a goof ball. In the neighborhoods live row upon row of houses, the web pages. To view the neighborhood Silly Man Productions is located at, visit the College Park Quad 3800 neighborhood.
Yo man! Sup? Word up! If you understand what that meant, you're weird. If you didn't, visit The Totally Unofficial Rap Dictionary to catch up on your gangsta rap slang references. Hey, is that Ebonics?
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