The Primary Purpose Of This Fraternity Shall Be
- To encourage and actively promote the highest standards of creativity, performance, education, and research in music in America.
Further Purposes Shall Be
- To develop and encourage loyalty to the Alma Mater
- To foster the mutual welfare and brotherhood of students of music
- To develop the truest fraternal spirit among its members
- To instill in all people an awareness of music's important roll in the enrichment of the human spirit
Welcome to my personal PHI MU APLHA page. My name is Elaric R. Currie. I am a member of the Nu Iota chapter of Phi Mu Alpha. At the present time (98-99) I serve as Vice President for Nu Iota. We are a growing chapter and have a lot of fun. Now on to the page. This is kind of a new thing for me. Here is where I will be putting updates as to what the Nu Iota chapter is doing and any questions that I may way have for fellow frat members. I will also put up any and all picture that I find that deal with the frat. So those of you who are looking to make a web page and need picture you are welcomed to help yourself. The pictures of the sheet music make very nice backgrounds.
The most honorable Big Brother Ossian E Mills!

And here are the pictures that I have so far:

This is the Alpha chapter's room back in the day! 
This is the Alpha chapter's room now! 
This is an outside view! 
If you have any suggestions drop me a line.
To go to the National Page click here