Cook's Cacoethes
Welcome to my little space on the web! I hope that you will find your stay here pleasant
and enjoyable. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a sophomore at the Ohio State
University. I am planning to major in Finance and possibly minor in Marketing. I also hope to
start writing a book over my summer break. Visit this page often. I hope to update it
frequently. I hope to update it with cool midi sounds and other various enhancers soon. Look for the Paul Stankowski home page here soon!!!!
Literary Works-An Index to different papers I have written at OSU
Sports-Check out some of my favorite teams & Sports
Music-Perhaps the greatest way to relax
Mix & Match-Sites that don't fit anywhere but here
Friends-Links to sites created by some of my friends
Info-Find out info about myself and what I like to do
Resume-Looking for a great employee start here
Seinfeld-A page dedicated to the funniest show on T.V

Visitors since 4/12/97