An Inspirational Speech

A reply to that Speech

version 7.12 2-16-97

Public Service Announcement
Well, We are up to Version 7.12 of Eric's world now. This version includes sound and finally, after over a year of web page making, my picture is now on-line. As to the sound, I'm sorry if South Park offends any of you, in fact it offends me some as well, but these quotes are funny and not much to be offended by.

Well, on May 16th, 1998, I graduated from College (Woo-hoo)!!!!!!!! Now I am working on an campus ministry internship!!! for more information, check out me ME! page.
For those of you wonderful people who signed my guestbook, Thank you. Can I ask you a favor though, can you sign it again. L-page crashed or something, and I have no entries now. If you haven't signed, please do, I need you to sign!!

Sign my guestbook. Veiw my guestbook.

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