Web Page Development -- CMP4101

Instructor: Mr. Jon Grady
Office: WA155 Office Phone: (765) 285-7401
E-mail: Office Home

Office Hours:

Monday 11:00 – 12:00, 2:00 – 4:00
Tuesday None
Wednesday11:00 – 12:00, 2:00 – 4:00 and 5:15 - 8:00
Thursday None
Friday 11:00 – 12:00
(Other times by appointment)

DESCRIPTION: CMP4101 is the study of currently popular and useful Multimedia applications such as Advanced HTML 4.0, Java, Flash 4 and Fireworks 5.0.

TEXT: HTML Goodies - Second Edition, Burns, Que 2002
Each student will also need 1 Zip disk. Each Zip disk cost $10.00.

	HTML 4.0
	Java Script Programming
	Multi-Media Software
	Digital Cameras and Scanners		
	Adobe Photoshop / GIF Construction Set / Map Edit 
Hands-on activities, outside readings, lectures, classroom discussions and projects.

Students will be evaluated on tests, quizzes, participation and the final web page.

There will be lectures, discussions, labs, hands-on activities, and review sessions. For items to be graded see the method of grading below.

Grades will be based on the following:
Test 1, 2 and 3          600  
Final                    400 – ˝ open book, ˝ closed book)
Homework & Quizzes	 300  
Final Web Page  	 500
Class Participation      200	
Total Points     	2000

The accumulated totals are then distributed into a letter grade as follows:
A 	2000 - 1860
A-	1859 - 1800
B+	1799 - 1740
B	1739 - 1660
B-	1659 - 1600
C+	1599 - 1540
C 	1539 - 1460
C-	1459 - 1400
D*	1399 and below

Semester Schedule

Wednesday, August 14 - Quiz 1 . Due Monday, August 19 - what company you are going to be doing your Web Page on

Quiz 1 Nil Nil Nil
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Nil Nil Nil Nil

Here is a color chart for you.
Color Chart

Web Page Requirements

  1. Must be professional looking
  2. Some kind of list.
  3. Pictures that pertain to your topic. Remember to use ALT if people don’t have a graphical interface.
  4. Links to relevant sites using pictures and text.
  5. E-mail address to you as the web page designer and your company’s e-mail address if they have one.
  6. Would like to see am image map within your page or frames.
  7. Colored background or a picture for a background.
  8. Animated GIF’s located within your page. It can be used from somewhere else or you can create your own with GIF Construction Set.
  9. You can put in a table if appropriate.
  10. No forms unless you have the permission from the provider to do so.
  11. Must have multimedia.
  12. Must have Java applet or Java code. You can use this from someone’s page or create your own.
  13. More than 1 page. The image map could connect your pages.
  14. Horizontal rules separating different sections.

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