Instructor: Mr. Jon Grady
Office: WA155 Office Phone: (765) 285-7401
E-mail: Office
Office Hours:
Monday | 11:00 – 12:00, 2:00 – 4:00
Tuesday | None
Wednesday | 11:00 – 12:00, 2:00 – 4:00 and 5:15 - 8:00
Thursday | None
Friday | 11:00 – 12:00
(Other times by appointment)
CMP4101 is the study of currently popular and useful Multimedia applications such as Advanced HTML 4.0, Java, Flash 4 and Fireworks 5.0.
HTML Goodies - Second Edition, Burns, Que 2002
Each student will also need 1 Zip disk. Each Zip disk cost $10.00.
HTML 4.0
Java Script Programming
Multi-Media Software
Digital Cameras and Scanners
Adobe Photoshop / GIF Construction Set / Map Edit
Hands-on activities, outside readings, lectures, classroom discussions and projects.
Students will be evaluated on tests, quizzes, participation and the final web page.
There will be lectures, discussions, labs, hands-on activities, and review sessions. For items to be graded see the method of grading below.
Grades will be based on the following:
Test 1, 2 and 3 600
Final 400 – ˝ open book, ˝ closed book)
Homework & Quizzes 300
Final Web Page 500
Class Participation 200
Total Points 2000
The accumulated totals are then distributed into a letter grade as follows:
A 2000 - 1860
A- 1859 - 1800
B+ 1799 - 1740
B 1739 - 1660
B- 1659 - 1600
C+ 1599 - 1540
C 1539 - 1460
C- 1459 - 1400
D* 1399 and below
Wednesday, August 14 - Quiz 1 . Due Monday, August 19 - what company you are going to be doing your Web Page on
Here is a color chart for you.
Color Chart
Web Page Requirements
- Must be professional looking
- Some kind of list.
- Pictures that pertain to your topic. Remember to use ALT if people don’t have a graphical interface.
- Links to relevant sites using pictures and text.
- E-mail address to you as the web page designer and your company’s e-mail address if they have one.
- Would like to see am image map within your page or frames.
- Colored background or a picture for a background.
- Animated GIF’s located within your page. It can be used from somewhere else or you can create your own with GIF Construction Set.
- You can put in a table if appropriate.
- No forms unless you have the permission from the provider to do so.
- Must have multimedia.
- Must have Java applet or Java code. You can use this from someone’s page or create your own.
- More than 1 page. The image map could connect your pages.
- Horizontal rules separating different sections.
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