Computer Science Seminar

Instructor: Mr. Jon Grady
Office: WA155 Office Phone: (765) 285-7401
E-mail: Office Home

Office Hours:

Monday 11:30 – 1:00, 3:00 – 6:00
Tuesday 9:00 – 11:00, 2:00 – 3:00
Wednesday None
Thursday 7:00 – 8:30, 10:00 – 11:00
Friday None
(Other times by appointment)




This is a topics course provided to broaden the level of understanding in computer science. Emerging issues and new computer technologies will be explored. Students will have the opportunity for hands-on experience. Each student will bring in 3 articles per week in their notebooks and keep a log of their studies day – by –day. The notebooks will be checked periodically for credit. Students will be picked at random to discuss one of their articles per week. Also during the semester each student will be working on a major project due the final week of class. The projects may consist of up to two students


Hands-on activities, outside readings, lectures, classroom discussions and projects.


Research paper, class participation, notebook and final project.


There will be lectures, discussions, labs, hands-on activities, and review sessions.


Grades will be based on the following:
                Research Paper	        200
		Notebook		500
		Participation		200
		Final Project		600

		Total Points           1500

The accumulated totals are then distributed into a letter grade as follows:

                A 	1500 - 1400
                A-	1399 - 1350
                B+	1349 - 1300
                B	1299 - 1250
                B-	1249 - 1200 
                C+	1199 - 1150
                C 	1149 - 1100
		C-	1099 - 1050
		D*	1049 and below

Calender for the semester

Final Notebook: What is supposed to be in them:
39 articles and summaries
A weekly outline of what you did
A 3 - 5 page paper on what you learned this semester. This does not incluse the weekly outline.
Anything else you want to include.