Hey all!!! It seems that everyone around me was getting home pages, so I figured that I might as well sign up, too. Hmmm, my name is Jonathan... All my friend's call me either Jon or Doc though (long story, has to do with how good I am with my hands)... Anyways, I'm a commuting student here Immaculata College (Small Catholic mostly girls school in PA... and yes, I know I live a rough life!). Through some sort of recording error done by the nasty and evil registrar I'm currently listed on the books as a Philosophy major, but I'm planning to change that to a dual major of Business / Sports Management.
GUESS WHAT!!! WE HUNG BARNEY!!! Yes, at the time when I first built this homepage I was a studnet at Millersville University and was a lowly, underpaid computer lab consultant in MU's NEWLY REDONE computer lab (The BEST Lab on campus... and NO, that's not just 'cause they've got an undeniably charming and cute lab dude there named Jon ;)
Ok, through popular request I guess that I'll tell you about my friends now. My oldest and closest friend is Kira. I've known her since I can't remember when, and all I know is that she's always been there for me, and that I think of her as the sister I never had... So Kira, if you're reading this, then I just want to thank you for always being there for me :) Unfortunately though, Kira lives far away, so I'm usually hanging around with either James, Nate, Juanita, or Karen... Now there are others, of course, but those are the one's I'm around most. I've met all of these people at my former place of employment (DUTCH WONDERLAND), and we've known each other for many, many years... James would be the coach... uh, BASKET-BALL coach that is :) He's this tall skinny dude that can play pretty well, but can coach even better. I think his major is broadcasting something-or-other... but he's got a website here so you can check him out for yourself using the wonderful link I provided for you. What's Nate like? Well, this should take care of it... "Hey Forrest, have you ever been with a woman before???" originally he said no, but then he realized that he had been with one... He's a riot, and is really cool to be around. Now Girls, GREAT NEWS!!! Nate has got himself a homepage AND he IS looking for a girlfriend (COME ON LADIES, GREAT GUY HERE!!!)... OR go visit him using the link provided below. Juanita would be the newest member of the group, and I think it would be fair to describe her as a young, female Picasso. She's the artistic one and is pretty cool... That would leave Karen. Right now, she's away at BYU in PROvo, Ut., but I just thought I'd let her know that her fan club is still active, and that she is missed greatly. Karen would also be one of my "adopted" sisters, and she asked me to tell all of you great guys out there that she IS available, and that she'd LOVE to hear from all of you!!! Don't leave her without sending your unwaivering love and devotion to her!!! I mean, she's gotta be the best AVAILABLE girl out there.
Well, I've put enough time into this for today. Hope that you like all that I've put into it, that you stop back sometime, and that you enjoy the wonderful links... Keep on smilin', and TTFN :)
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