Department of Anesthesiology
General Information
Phone Numbers:
- Department of Anesthesiology
- Naval Medical Center San Diego
- San Diego, CA 92154-5000
Department Information:
The Anesthesiology Department provides services to about a half a million people eligible to receive care at the Naval Medical Center. Because the Medical Center maintains 18 operating rooms, the Department interacts with patients from a variety of surgical subspecialties: cardiothoracic surgery, general surgery, maxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery, obstetrics-gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, orthopedics, and urology. Outside the operating rooms, Department members go to the intensive care units, emergency rooms, and radiology suites to provide a variety of anesthetic services.
Within the Department, specialty divisions have been developed and are headed by experts in their respective field:
As part of the Navy's best teaching hospital, the Department supports a total of19 anesthesiology residents and 5 student nurse anesthetists. Although the number of applications have gradually decreased nationwide, the Medical Center continues to attract quality applicants. Residents and student nurse anesthetists rotate to a variety of subspecialties throughout their training. Furthermore, oppurtunities are available to do rotations at many prestigious institutions across the country.
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