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Last updated on February 10, 1998

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities

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Started April 3, 1997 and ended May 1, 1997!
Click here to read how it came together.

Check out my award page.

Apply for my award.

Check out my Choose Your Own Adventure Series!

This is a view of a beautiful lake and mountains along with Main Hall of my college, Western Montana College, where I am being eduacated.

This is my college campus, click it and you will see it's full size, key included

ATTENTION ALL GEOCITIES MEMBERS!! If you are having any sort of problem with your geocities account, go to the Help Forum. You will find that it is a very useful tool, as I found out recently! You'll be glad you did.

Click here to see a picture of my family and me, consisting of my mother, my two sisters, my niece and me.

Learn all about me! Just don't use it against me in the future!

Do you ever get bored, well meet lots of people and have fun playing hearts. You'll find me here under my name, Kris.

I have had loads of fun playing bingo at bingozone! I think I have enjoyed this site more than any other on the entire world wide web!! My username here is stimpy4.

Find out about how the weather is going to be in your area.

This pic is dedicated to my good friend, Melissa Dempsey.

This is where I live right now

Do you like movies! Well, go to my favorite movies list, and learn how you can contribute!

Click on the pic and try your luck in the site fights!

I have been given the spirit stick!

Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a Starting Point Hot Site
Here are some pretty neat sites found on the web.
America's Most Wanted
Awesome Cyber Cards!
Internet Gaming Zone
Happy Puppy Games
Hotmail:Free Web-Based E-mail
NetAddress:Free Web-Based E-mail
Nova Hearts
Unsolved Mysteries
Weather Channel
Wheel of Fortune:Online!
Yahoo! Mail
Young and the Restless

Go to my links page and meet some of my awesome friends!

Go to my midi page and check out some awesome midi! Feel free to download all the midi you want!

Please click here and help find missing children

You are visitor number
since January 17, 1997

I love e-mail, so click on the pic of me to send me some!

NOTE: I have not taken a big priority in updating this page. I have too many things going on in my life to put as much effort as I have before. Many links may be outdated and ideas old. Sorry, but until I have a more stable schedule, this is how my page will be. You can e-mail me to inform me about an outdated link and when I have time, I will fix it.

This page last updated
September 23, 1998

<bgsound src="/CollegePark/Quad/2843/macarena.mid" loop=infinite>
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