Experience: | |
July 1996 to Aug 1996 June 1997 to Aug 1997 | Compagnie Polynesienne de Transport Maritime/Golden Phoenix, San Mateo, CA Secretary Designed forms, inputted data, took memos, etc. |
Dec 1996 to Jan 1997 | Compagnie Polynesienne de Transport Maritime/Golden Phoenix, San Mateo, CA Computer Technician Upgraded computer systems. |
June 1995 to Aug 1995 | Restorr Technology, Milpitas, CA Pack-out, Assemly line worker, Stock boy, Data input Pack-out: Packed and boxed computers. |
Feb 1993 to March 1993 | Self-employed, San Bruno, CA Tutor Tutored in trigonometry |
Sept 1991 to Nov 1991 | Self-employed, San Bruno, CA Tutor Tutored in algebra |
Education: | |
Sept 1994 to Present | San Jose State University, San Jose, CA Majoring in Computer Engineering Clubs and activities: Chemistry Club, Chinese Campus Fellowship, Science Club, CSE (Society of Computer Engineers) |
before Sept 1994 | Capuchino High School, San Bruno, CA Graduated with a 3.58 GPA Clubs and Activities: CSF (California Scholarship Federation), GATE (Gifted and Talented Education), Frisbee Club, Great Books, Atoms Family (Chemistry Club), Math Club/Team (Highest Score in second year), Track and Field, Cross Country |
Skills: | Knowledge of PC and Macintosh software: i.e. MS Word, Excel, WordPerfect, MacWrite, MacPaint, SuperPaint. Familiar with DOS, Windows, UNIX, Mac, MATLAB, Lotus 1-2-3. Programming Experience in C++, HTML, BASIC, and LOGO. Fluent in spoken Cantonese and some Mandarin. Can type 65 words per minute. |
Personal: | Willing to try and learn new things, interested in computer programming and problem solving. |
References: | Available upon request |