Books for Sale

Here are the textbooks that I have that are available to be sold. They are only categorized by subject and are in no particular order. If you or someone you know wants to buy any of these books, please write and tell me which book(s) you wish to purchase. My phone number and e-mail address is at the bottom of this page.

Engineering|Science|Social Sciences, Humanities, English|Miscellaneous


CE 99Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Meriam and Kraige, Wiley, 3rd edition, 1992,$20.00
MATE 25Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, by William D. Callister, Jr., Wiley, 3rd edition, 1994, $20.00
ME 108Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Çengel/Boles, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1994,$40.00
EE 122/EE 174Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra/Smith, Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, 1991,$40.00


CHEM 11AGeneral Chemistry, by Whitten, Gailey and Davis, Saunders College Publishing, 4th edition, 1992, $30.00
Physics: Fundamentals and Frontiers, by Stollberg/Hill, Houghton Mifflin, Revised edition, 1980, $15.00
Conceptual Physics, by Hewitt, Little, Brown and Company, 5th edition, 1985, $15.00
Introducing Biology, by Smith/Roohk, Kendall/Hunt, 2nd edition, 1988, $10.00
Study Guide to Accompany Introducing Biology, by Vic Chow, Kendall/Hunt, 1989, $5.00
Life Science, by Coble/Fitcher/Rice/Webster, Prentice-Hall, 3rd (Teacher's) edition, 1986, $10.00
Living Things, by Fitzpatrick/Teter/Bain, Holt, Rinehart,and Winston, inc., Teacher's edition, 1970, $5.00
Living Things, by Teter/Edwards/Fitzpatrick/Bain, Holt, Rinehart,and Winston, inc., Teacher's edition, 1981, $10.00
Biological Science, by Moore/Olsen/Mayer, Harcourt/Brace/Jovanovich, 3rd edition, 1973, $5.00
Biology: An Everyday Experience, by Kaskel/Hummer/Daniel, Merill Publishing Company, Teacher's edition, 1985, $7.00
Living Things, by Teter/Edwards/Fitzpatrick/Bain, Holt, Rinehart,and Winston, inc., 1981, $7.00
Biological Science: An Inquiry into Life, by more people than I can list, Harcourt, Brace, & World, 1963, $3.00
The World of the Microscope, by L. J. Ludocivi, G. P. Putnam's Sons, year unknown,$1.00
Is There Life in Outer Space?, by Robert Kraske, Harcourt/Brace/Jovanovich, 1976,$1.00
Science, Enviroment, and Man, by Sullivan/Williams/Strongin/Randall, Leswing Communications, teacher's edition, 1972$2.00
The New Ice Age, by Henry Gilfond, United Press International, 1978$2.00
Worldmaster World Atlas, Rand McNally, New Census edition,1982$2.00

Social Sciences, Humanities, English, etc.

ENGL 1BLiterature for Compostion, by Barnet/Berman/Burto/Stubbs, Harper Collins, 3rd edition, 1985, $15.00
HUMWriting Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings, by Ramage & Bean, Allyn and Bacon, 3rd edition, 1995, $15.00
HUMThe Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides translated by Rex Warner, Penguin Books, 1978, $3.00
HUMThe Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, by Mack/Knox/McGalliard, 6th edition - Volume 1, 1992, $10.00
HUMThe Visual Arts: A History, by Honour & Fleming, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 1991, $20.00


Making Money, by Howard Ruff, Simon and Shuster, 1984$3.00
Right Down Your Alley: The Complete Book of Bowling, by Vesma Grinfelds & Bonnie Hultstrand, Leisure Press, 1985$4.00
Japan's War: The Great Pacific Conflict, by Edwin P. Hoyt, Arrow Books, 1986$8.00
Playing Murder, by Sandra Scoppettone Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc, 1987$4.00

Mon-Fri 650-871-8822

Patrick Ho<>

This page was last updated July 09, 1998

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