Engineering | ||||||||||||||
Class | Name | Price
CE 99 | Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Meriam and Kraige, Wiley, 3rd edition, 1992, | $20.00
| MATE 25 | Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, by William D. Callister, Jr., Wiley, 3rd edition, 1994, | $20.00
| ME 108 | Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Çengel/Boles, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1994, | $40.00
| EE 122/EE 174 | Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra/Smith, Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, 1991, | $40.00
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Science | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class | Name | Price
CHEM 11A | General Chemistry, by Whitten, Gailey and Davis, Saunders College Publishing, 4th edition, 1992, | $30.00
| Physics: Fundamentals and Frontiers, by Stollberg/Hill, Houghton Mifflin, Revised edition, 1980, | $15.00
| Conceptual Physics, by Hewitt, Little, Brown and Company, 5th edition, 1985, | $15.00
| Introducing Biology, by Smith/Roohk, Kendall/Hunt, 2nd edition, 1988, | $10.00
| Study Guide to Accompany Introducing Biology, by Vic Chow, Kendall/Hunt, 1989, | $5.00
| Life Science, by Coble/Fitcher/Rice/Webster, Prentice-Hall, 3rd (Teacher's) edition, 1986, | $10.00
| Living Things, by Fitzpatrick/Teter/Bain, Holt, Rinehart,and Winston, inc., Teacher's edition, 1970, | $5.00
| Living Things, by Teter/Edwards/Fitzpatrick/Bain, Holt, Rinehart,and Winston, inc., Teacher's edition, 1981, | $10.00
| Biological Science, by Moore/Olsen/Mayer, Harcourt/Brace/Jovanovich, 3rd edition, 1973, | $5.00
| Biology: An Everyday Experience, by Kaskel/Hummer/Daniel, Merill Publishing Company, Teacher's edition, 1985, | $7.00
| Living Things, by Teter/Edwards/Fitzpatrick/Bain, Holt, Rinehart,and Winston, inc., 1981, | $7.00
| Biological Science: An Inquiry into Life, by more people than I can list, Harcourt, Brace, & World, 1963, | $3.00
| The World of the Microscope, by L. J. Ludocivi, G. P. Putnam's Sons, year unknown, | $1.00
| Is There Life in Outer Space?, by Robert Kraske, Harcourt/Brace/Jovanovich, 1976, | $1.00
| Science, Enviroment, and Man, by Sullivan/Williams/Strongin/Randall, Leswing Communications, teacher's edition, 1972 | $2.00
| The New Ice Age, by Henry Gilfond, United Press International, 1978 | $2.00
| Worldmaster World Atlas, Rand McNally, New Census edition,1982 | $2.00
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Social Sciences, Humanities, English, etc. | |||||||||||||||||
Class | Name | Price
ENGL 1B | Literature for Compostion, by Barnet/Berman/Burto/Stubbs, Harper Collins, 3rd edition, 1985, | $15.00
| HUM | Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings, by Ramage & Bean, Allyn and Bacon, 3rd edition, 1995, | $15.00
| HUM | The Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides translated by Rex Warner, Penguin Books, 1978, | $3.00
| HUM | The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, by Mack/Knox/McGalliard, 6th edition - Volume 1, 1992, | $10.00
| HUM | The Visual Arts: A History, by Honour & Fleming, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 1991, | $20.00
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Miscellaneous | |||||||||
Name | Price
Making Money, by Howard Ruff, Simon and Shuster, 1984 | $3.00
| Right Down Your Alley: The Complete Book of Bowling, by Vesma Grinfelds & Bonnie Hultstrand, Leisure Press, 1985 | $4.00
| Japan's War: The Great Pacific Conflict, by Edwin P. Hoyt, Arrow Books, 1986 | $8.00
| Playing Murder, by Sandra Scoppettone Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc, 1987 | $4.00
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Patrick Ho<>
This page was last updated July 09, 1998