Over the Top

Zig Ziglar


We cannot be successful by ourselves. We need goals, direction, and help: and so does a technology committee. This book can give us the motivation and help we need in our personal lives and professional and committee work. This book by Zig Ziglar helps provides some of these for us.

Plan Prepare Expect. Plan what your committee is going to accomplish. It is always best if you and the committee work out some of the scheduling of the technology plan's work. Train not only yourself but also the committee for the work ahead. Give them training in plan writing as well as information on what technology is used in organizations such as yours. This way they will not only learn what technology is used in organizations like yours, but will also be able to forecast how to integrate it.

Immigrant's attitude. How often have you gone to a new committee with the attitude that this will be just one more activity you have to do after a long day? This will not happen if your committee chairman has read this book by Zig Ziglar! Hopefully this will be case. Attitude is what counts—a positive attitude. Mr. Ziglar insists that we must have it! This is the most vital of all attributes for a successful committee or personal endeavor. Without positive attitudes, we are more likely to fail than to succeed. We must infuse our technology planning committees with this positive attitude. Mr. Ziglar calls this "immigrant's attitude"--the attitude with which immigrants come to this country. The fact they have come from far worse conditions to the greatest country on earth gives them the attitude that they can now accomplish anything that they "put their minds to." We need to infuse our committee with this attitude.

Reach your goals. Zig Ziglar believes that there are specific steps that must be reached in order to accomplish your goal.

    1. Make a commitment that you are going to reach your goal.
    2. Commit yourself to daily detailed accountability.
    3. Break your goal into small pieces.
    4. Get into shape.
    5. Make your liabilities your assets.
    6. Learn to respond to disappointment.
    7. Discipline yourself.
    8. Change directions, not decisions
    9. Get all the help you can.
    10. Become a team player.
    11. Paint a positive picture.
    12. Paint a picture in your mind of what you want to be, do, or have.
    13. Your dreams can come true.

These steps can help you to define and align your process to accomplishing your goals. They help you break up a goal into easily accomplished steps.

Finish Well. Have a mission statement that defines where you want your committee and organization to be. This gives you an anchor for your goals and mission. Don’t go by yourself. Be sure that on technology planning experience you take your entire committee. Also, bring along some new or young committee members. Make this a landmark in their careers. Make it a benchmark for the younger members of the committee against which to gauge later activities. This action is really what we want to accomplish--To help improve those who come after us.