Secrets For Success and Happiness

Og Mandino


The author is in his 70's and has written several books throughout his lifetime. This is not a first-time author laying down instructions for us to follow. His story is fluid, and in each step of the story he leaves us with a gem to ponder. For this critique, I will relate the book to technology planning.


One of his gems is "Life needs constant cultivating, or it will bear no fruit". For technology planning, I feel this means that a plan must be researched properly or it cannot be successful. Additionally, the plan must be kept up-to-date in order to keep the latest technology and instructional methods in mind. This is important to keep the plan moving in the direction of better learning for our students.


Another gem states that "we cannot hide behind locked doors waiting for others to remake our world." We cannot, as technology planners, wait to see how others will use new technology. We should work to advance our cause also! Each of us sees technology in a different light. Why not appreciate a different view?

"Our children are a precious cargo." We deal daily with one of the most valuable commodities on this earth. This is a tremendous challenge, and our plans for any change in the education of our children will hopefully reflect this challenge.


"There is no royal road to anything" . . . "One thing at a time and all things in succession," "That which grows slowly will endure." We have to put hard work and mental effort into any plan we conceive. Technology planning is going to affect students and teachers in our district for many years. Research and careful planning MUST be at the core of our plan. The planning committee must be careful as well as willing to be on the leading edge of change in our districts.


Finally "There is never enough time." Too true! In any planning activity, time is often the most crucial of resources. Use it wisely.