Miracle of your Mind
Nightingale-Conant Corp
This author gives some very good advice for a technology planning committee. He first reminds us that we have infinite mental powers, which given the right motivation can solve any problem. What more could a technology planning committee ask?
The author reminds us that humans typically use only a fraction of their available creative capacity. In most of us, that is only about 5-6 %--a lot of wasted mental powers going to waste! This author gives us some methods by which we can increase that percent.
The author first recommends that we have a goal. Without a goal, we have no direction for our mental exercises. In order to stretch our brains, we must first have a direction or a problem to solve. Isn't that what we are setting out to do with a technology planning committee?
Set aside time for thinking about your problem. This could be time when you are by yourself such as driving to work, working in your garden, or getting up early to sit on your deck. During this time, write down any idea you have for solving your problem. Don't worry if the ideas are not valid or seem outrageous. Some of you ideas will generate new solutions that may not be shocking. Let your mind dwell on the assigned problem at hand. Go back through your list later and improve your list. Choose to expand on those ideas that seem feasible.
Take this basic idea and apply it to your technology planning committee. This is essentially brainstorming new ideas. It isn't hard to do, but you will have to spend a little time explaining it to your committee members. Encourage your members to exercise their minds on the technology-planning project. Not only will this help to develop a better plan, but also a concept that the members can all use to make better use of their minds.