Fruits of Sisterly Love
When I think of what sisterly love means to me
With all of its attributes and qualities
All the strength and happiness that we share
Within the burdens that we bear
Love that warmth like the rays of the sun
Unconditional and compared to none
Confident, caring, proud andtrue
Brought together by the family of White and Blue
A constant friend through times of need
Never worrying about jealously or greed
Someone to uplift when life pulls us down,
To always upturn a dreadful frown
A foundation built on loyalty
Firm, stable, defined with unity
Compassion and lots of dedication
With a mind set of cooperation
Thankful am I that I have found
Sisters of strength where love abounds
Together from now on will we stand
Heart-to-heart, hand-in-hand
written by:
Soror Joy Kinney
Sp. 97 #2