One World...
One Heart...
One Great Family...
One Great "I Do!"...
One Great Blessing Q/A...
Mongolian Peoples...
Peace Tour...
Hoon Dok Hae...
Ever stop to think:
"What is the purpose of Life?"
"Just what is the Value of Human Existence?"
Carlton and Mihoko Johnson, here!
Welcome home! We hope that you will feel free to drop in on this ashram often.
... Come on in, kick your shoes off and talk for a while.
If English is not your native language, perhaps you should try to access our
heart in
Korean or
Japanese or
another language.
So, where is this page coming from, and where is it going?
The Idea of the Good... From The Republic, by Plato
Book VI
"... That which imparts truth to the known and the power of knowing to the knower is what I would have you term the idea of good, and this you will deem to be the cause of science, and of truth in so far as the latter becomes the subject of knowledge; beautiful too, as are both truth and knowledge, you will be right in esteeming this other nature as more beautiful than either; and, as in the previous instance, light and sight may be truly said to be like the sun, and yet not to be the sun, so in this other sphere, science and truth may be deemed to be like the good, but not the good; the good has a place of honor yet higher...
"... The sun is not only the author of visibility in all visible things, but of generation and nourishment and growth, though he himself is not generation?
"... In like manner the good may be said to be not only the author of knowledge to all things known, but of their being and essence, and yet the good is not essence, but far exceeds essence in dignity and power.
Book VII
"... My opinion is that in the world of knowledge the idea of good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort; and, when seen, is also inferred to be the universal author of all things beautiful and right, parent of light and of the lord of light in this visible world, and the immediate source of reason and truth in the intellectual; and that this is the power upon which he who would act rationally, either in public or private life must have his eye fixed...
"... The instrument of knowledge can only by the movement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into that of being, and learn by degrees to endure the sight of being, and of the brightest and best of being, or in other words, of the good.
excerpted from
The Republic... by Plato
In, The Kingdom of God Is within You, Leo Tolstoy wrote,
"Hypocrisy Distorts the Idea of Good..."
Chapter 12
Section 4 (The outline of his argument)
"Everything Depends on the Strength of the Consciousness of Christian Truths in Each Individual Man--The Leading Men of Modern Times, however, do not Think it Necessary to Preach or Practice the Truths of Christianity, but Regard the Modification of the External Conditions of Existence within the Limit Imposed by
Governments as Sufficient to Reform the Life of Humanity--On this Scientific Theory of Hypocrisy, which has Replaced the Hypocrisy of Religion, Men of the Wealthy Classes Base their Justification of their Position--Through this Hypocrisy they can Enjoy the Exclusive Privileges of their Position by Force and Fraud, and Still Pretend to be Christians to One Another and be Easy in their Minds--This Hypocrisy Allows Men who Preach Christianity to Take Part in Institutions Based on Violence
"No External Reformation of Life will Render it Less Miserable--Its Misery the Result of Disunion Caused by Following Lies, not the Truth--Union only Possible in Truth--Hypocrisy Hinders this Union, since Hypocrites Conceal from themselves and Others the Truth they Know--Hypocrisy Turns all Reforms of Life to Evil--Hypocrisy Distorts the Idea of Good and Evil, and so Stands in the Way of the Progress of Men toward Perfection--Undisguised Criminals and Malefactors do Less Harm than those who Live by Legalized Violence, Disguised by Hypocrisy--All Men Feel the Iniquity of our Life, and would Long Ago have Transformed it if it had not been Dissimulated by Hypocrisy--But Seem to have Reached the Extreme Limits of Hypocrisy, and we Need only Make an Effort of Conscience to Awaken as from a Nightmare to a Different Reality..."
excerpted from
The Kingdom of God Is within You... by Leo Tolstoy
We hope that this generation can do more than any other to help humanity
fulfill the highest potential endowed by The Creator. WE are all called to aid in
The Great Enterprise
So be encouraged to make your own page and expound on the best
that you have received or encountered. Where are you, in your walk of life? What are some of the best ideas you have gleaned from the field of life?
Social Anthropology
(...huh?...), with an emphasis on
Comparative Religion.
Harvard, Leverett House...
(Dudley House, after returning from 7 years on
The Quest).
Thanks EHS.
Anyone out there, in Boston, remember the Coffee House Sheng (46 Beacon Street)?
We put that experience together; but, unfortunately, we had to move on before
it could take root. "Sheng," the image of "pushing upward" is a concept from
(Addition I-Ching info)...
Being into Comparative Religion, I am into
World Scripture.
I am, therefore, into
Matthew 5:48;
which links me to
The Qur'an and
The Divine Principle,
The Book of Mormon,
Doctrines and Covenants,
The Urantia Book,
The Education of Oversoul 7,
The Mahabharata,
The Ramayana,
Self-Rule (Hind Swaraj), by Gandhi,
Guru Nanak,
Dr. King's Letter from the Birmingham Jail,
The Hopi Revelations,
Yaqui Ways and Means,
The Teachings of Buddha,
Confucius and Socrates,
The Kojiki,
The Ultimate Realm (T'ienti Teachings)
... Hmm... International / Inter-racial Marriage has been a great and exhilerating
Black American and
Japanese is our mixture.
We have three sons,
last count.
True Love is a savory,
and present, possibility; and our Soul Mates
do exist, for those who are willing to ask at the door of the Heart of the Universe;
for those who are willing to listen through the Heart of the Universe; for
those who are willing to
take responsibility
for what is spoken there.
holds a special key for accessing that Heart.
Currently, we are living and growing in Korea, where we are continuing to create and expand the realm of "one great family on the cosmic level." Together with home-visiting and multiplying God's Blessings to our surroundings, I am Teaching English. In the future, when all systems
are "go," we have the urge to make ourselves useful in
South Africa and
Poland (for starters). So anyone with links, thoughts and or comments on
any of the above issues, ideas, books, persons, places or aspirations, please
say Hi!

Portrait of our family
Other Portraits
Links to other sites on the Web
The World and I Magazine
For investigating Korea
Reality Check
Absolute Sex and True Love
Seven Steps to Happiness and Fulfillment
Some of my favorite reference materials:
Striking Imagages on the World Wide Web:
Who Are "We" (I)... a new photographic slide-show
(newer favorites) from the world-wide web
"Uri/We" (II) ... a previous photographic slide-show
(older favorites) from the world-wide web
Hyperdictionary/Thesaurus ... Good for Poetry
A Korean/English/Korean Dictionary ... by
Another Korean/English/Korean Dictionary ... by
A real D. O. double Gizzle Urban Dictionary ... slang and such ... Dictionary of Chinese Characters
... roots
The Bible (King James Version)...
Torah Commentaries ...
You really should be going to the next
if you are not already
If you are getting warmed up to the idea--and should you like to participate,
and have my wife and me pray for you, and sponsor your initiation on this path--
then please just say
"I Do!"... or drop us a note, now, on our Forum...
"Homeostatic Truths"...
... and really, may God truly Bless you and yours!
One World...
One Heart...
One Great Family...
One Great "I Do!"...
A House and A Hill...
Sky Blue Dreams (CSIA, Korea)...
There is always a way! Just look for it!!!
Unification Net
HT News
Thanks for dropping by. Here since March 10, 1997...
Y'all come back, now, real soon!
Carlton Johnson (Cheong-Shim International Academy English Department)
Social Anthropology ... Major