-Track and Field-


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Welcome to the new homepage for the NEWBURY PARK HIGH SCHOOL TRACK & FIELD teams. Our school, of 1650 students, is located in Southern California, in the beautiful Ventura County. The Conejo Valley Unified School District is composed of three high schools. Newbury Park began in 1967, so we are ending our 36th year! What a fine last four years. Our Boy's Track Team were Marmonte League CHAMPIONS (1999,1998,1996) and runnerups in 1997. The Girl's Track Team was Marmonte League CHAMPIONS (1997) and runnersup (1998,1996,1995). The last four years the combined won loss record for the Varsity Boys and Girls is 85 wins and only 19 losses! We are looking forward to this new 2000 track season. Keep coming back and view our records.

Pole Vault Team

1999 Boys Varsity League Champions

1999 Boys Soph/Frosh League Champs

1998 Boys Varsity League Champions

1997 Girls Varsity League Champions

1996 Boys Varsity League Champions

Our Pole Vault Team standing on our new Essex College Style landing pit. Thanks to our donator for the wonderful pit.


This section is devoted to our great coaching staff. Our Track & Field Teams are coaches by Head Boy's Coach John Andersen and assisted by Vern Cluke and Carlos Garcia. The Head Girl's Coach is newly appointed coach from Beverly Hills High school, is assisted by Marty Maciel, Elizabeth Powers and Patricia Davis. Five fully paid coaches on the staff that have coached together for our 8 years straight! Without their expert knowledge we would not be as successful as we have been throughout the past years.

Our latest photo additions, from left to right: Coach Powers (hurdles & high jump), Coach Garcia (pole vault), Coach Maciel (assistant with Distances), Coach Stewart (retired to camping), Coach Cluke (sprints), Coach Andersen (not pictured is Head Boys Coach and distances) and Mrs. Davis (LJ,TJ).


BOYS:A few of our top returning athletes to our fine track team: Russ Hull, Justin Cox, James Harney, Chase Christensen, Mark Andersen, Justin Giles, David Garza, Dan Klepacki, Kyle Ray, Justin Giles, Nick Deiner, Nick McNally, Kyle Fleher, Nick Deiner, Bjorn Dahlgren, Mark Andersen and others..

GIRLS: A small list of your girls coming back to varsity this season: Jessie Goddard, Allison Holtby, Jenna Duarte, Molly Englebert, Samantha Hall, Jennifer Hodsdon, Kelsey McMahon, Marisa Freeman, Alex Boone, Lyndsey Livigston, Jessi Goddard, Brooke Smith, Stephanie Domes, Jenessa Hall, Heather Dolan among others.


Photos to come later in the 2001 season.


Any parent, booster, business or company that would like to have their logo, name, address, phone number, email address etc. on this site, please contact the email address at the bottom of this site. Here is a chance to sponsor a great high school sports program and get your business on the "net".


TuesdayJanuary 28Track Class beginsTrack2:30pmTrack Class begins for all athletes, except those participating in winter sport. Please have your lock, locker, workout clothes ready. All physical exams MUST be completed by then. Turn into the athletic secretary.
TuesdayFebruary 18Official Track Practice beginsTrack2:30pmOfficial Track Season begins. Please report to track by 2:15pm daily thru the first week in May. Remember to call Coach Maciel at 498-3676 x 2102 if you are absent or leaving school early due to illness.
WednesdayFebruary 20Parent/Coaches MeetingStudent Cafeteria7:00pmCome meet the coaching staff while learning about the upcoming track season. The meeting will only last one hour. Final transportation fees will be collected at this time.
ThursdayFebruary 28CamarilloCamarillo High3:00pm
ThursdayMarch 7MoorparkMoorpark High3:00pm
ThursdayMarch 14CarpenteriaCarpenteria High3:00pm
SaturdayMarch 168th Annual Channel Coast InvitationalCamarillo High9:00am"Where the Best Compete" is the motto if this great meet.
ThursdayMarch 21RoyalNewbury Park HS3:00pm The site of many victories for us in the last 4 years.
SaturdayMarch 23Santa Barbara RelaysSanta Barbara CC9:00amOne of the oldest relay meets in California.
ThursdayMarch 28Simi ValleySimi Valley High3:00pm
FridayApril 12Team PhotosNewbury Park High3:00pm
SaturdayMarch 30Spartan RelaysRio Mesa High9:00amOne of the most fun meets of the year. Lots of relays with lots of medals.
ThursdayApril 11WestlakeNewbury Park High3:00pm
ThursdayApril 18AgouraNewbury Park High3:00pm
FridayApril 27Ventura County ChampionshipsMoorpark High3:00pmQualify for this meet early in the season. Only the top 3 from our team go if you meet the qualifying standards.
TuesdayApril 30League PrelimsRoyalHigh3:00pmA chance to show your stuff. A meeting of the 7 teams of the fine Marmonte League. Good luck to all of you.
FridayMay 3League FinalsRoyal High3:00pm
WednesdayMay 29Awards CeremonyPerforming Arts Center6:30pmCome join us in honoring your teammates. Everyone is welcome to this fun event. It is very important that everyone show up, please no conflicts.


10.7Keller,Preston,Robertson, Crawford78,94,95,00100 Meters12.13Jenny Kenyon98
22.24Josh Preston94200 Meters25.03Jenny Kenyon98
49.62Patrick Dolan98400 Meters58.37Jenny Kenyon98
1:54.8Keith Broccoli76800 Meters2:12.1Jennie Stachura82
4:09.7Jeff Wilson921600 Meters4:44.1Denise Ball82
9:06.7Jeff Wilson923200 Meters10:15.9Denise Ball82
14.46Sean Wolpin89110 High Hurdles15.61Amy Martin97
38.8Patrick Dolan98300 Interm. Hurdles44.1Jennie Stachura82
23-4Brian Coushay82Long Jump18-3Michelle Meadors & Kenyon84,98
48-8.5Brian Coushay82Triple Jump36-8.75Terri Davidson83
6-10Brian Coushay82High Jump5-5.5Michelle Meadors84
14-0Russ Hull02Pole Vault9-8Laura Wainwood01
59-3Will Svitek00Shot Put40-3.75Dawn Anderson95
168-8Sean McKeown91Discus Throw132-4Dawn Anderson95
43.2Winkler,Keen,Goldstein,Keller784 x 100 Relay50.5Munson,Loughmiller,Sanford,Kenyon96
3:22.13Hill,Burge,Kolacinski,Dolan984 x 400 Relay4:01.8Hanson,Stachura,Clouse,Thornton79


Newbury Park Cross Country Webpage- another winning program.
Pole Vault Page- the best in vaulting links.
Weight Lifting Association- learn the Olympic Lifting basics.
Dyestat Website- A great place for HS national results.
Track & Field News- a super place to learn about elite tracksters.


Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 16, 2002, for the 8th Annual Channel Coast Track & Field Invitational to be held at Camarillo High School, "WHERE THE BEST COMPETE." Very strong teams are entered this year so far: Arroyo Grande, Ventura, Rio Mesa, Newbury Park, Camarillo, Santa Monica, Righetti, Santa Barbara, Channel Islands, Royal, Mira Costa, San Luis Obispo, Birmingham, Thousand Oaks, Oak Park and Simi Valley. We still have openings available. If interested contact Mary Perez or Dennis Riedmiller at Camarillo High School.

This homepage, as you can see, is always under construction, PLEASE REVISIT SOON! Please sign the guestbook! Former alumni, please email or sign the guestbook. It is always good to hear from all of the "oldies."

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