Pi Class - Main
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      Class was initiated into the Theta Beta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Boston University on February 23, 1997. Thirteen members strong at that time, we were the 16th class to be initiated into the chapter, and only the third co-ed class to be initiated.

     At the time of this page's final revision in April of the year 2000, there are ten brothers of the Class about to graduate from Boston University, making us the largest class to graduate collectively from the Theta Beta Chapter to date.

     Among other landmarks, Class was the first Membership Class of Theta Beta to have its own webpage, which you are reading right now. We are leaving this page behind as an experiment, to see how long it survives. The Class homepage will not be edited again, due to our graduation. AEA.

Copyright © Pi Class, Theta Beta Chapter, Kappa Kappa Psi