Julienne's Homepage

and a plethora of information about Julienne, her interests, and the strangers that surround her.

Hi there.. Welcome to Julienne's page. That's a picture of me and my owner, Julienne. See how she squashed my face to make me sit still? Well, hopefully you'll sit still and we'll try to explain her somewhat odd, yet sublime existance.

9/27/98: I laugh everytime I see this picture! Hehehhehe! I have a digital camera now.. watch out for my butt.

6/16/98: Another whole new set of pages! For my mythology class final I did a web page on Pegasus.. it looks pretty damn good, especially the interpretations page. Okay, it the links don't work too well, but hey, work with me, babe.Check it out.

11/25/97: Okay, now how the hell did I jump from 700 hits to 7000??? I don't understand it.. there must be some mistake! Anyways, if you can tell me where you're getting my homepage addy, I'd really like to know.. maybe I'll even send you a shed snake skin (oh boy!).

10/15/97: New page!! There's a new page under my 'Friends' section (no, not the TV show). It's called Xanthar's Pulsating Pimple Page, detailing the life of Xanthar! Check it out! You won't regret it.

You are deranged visitor number

This page created January 5, 1997

Who the hell are you people? And why the hell won't you sign my guestbook or write to me?

All About Julienne

Alrighty, what you've all been waiting for..(This is what you came for, isn't it?) Well, here ya go.


Yes, Julienne does have some friends.. I try to run and hide everytime they come and visit because they can be rather odd and scary at times.


Read exciting tales and see photos of my summer (1996) working as a horseback guide in Yosemite National Park .

Warning!! Don't enter! I beg, I plead, I kiss your feet.. don't click here..

I wouldn't if i were you..

Fun Links!

What more can I say? Every homepage has one, so here goes my rendition of fun fun fun. I finally got off my lazy butt and made this page.. so here ya go!

Ignorance Is Bliss,

Spank My Monkey

Keep Scrolling Downward.

[Personal | Friends | Fun Links! | Yosemite ]

Send comments, questions, gripes to:jsrha@ucdavis.edu

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