My Favorite Links

Below are some of my favorite links. As with any other page on the web, this will be undergoing a lot of change constantly. If I delete a link you'd rather have me leave in here, let me know and I will put it back in the page. Have fun surfin'. Hang ten!

You can download an audio player at Realaudio and listen to something good today.
If you want to play some games and win prizes go here or go here.
Catch up on the news at USA Today.
For news that you can read and update anytime, PointCast Network.
Be sure to visit the place where I work Montclair State University. For news of an academic nature, read The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Designing your homepage? You can get backgrounds here.
Most animated icons are from a Geocities neighbour The Webmaster.
If you were ever a fan of Larry, Daryl, & Daryl, how can you resist visiting The RoadKill Cafe?
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Get todays "Just N Case" cartoon at this place.
If you are like me, then become a "card carrying" member of Center for Easily Amused.
Another cartoon here:

Press play to start the background music.

Last updated on February 1,1998.
(c) 1997

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