Welcome to Julie's Neighborhood

Just say Julie...

And as we all play thoughts of tomorrow, lord knows some ways we'll walk and other ways we'll plan. But I know we can't all stay here forever, so I'm gonna write my words on the face of today --Blind Melon

Hi! I'm Julie and I'm a 29 yr old alumnus of Louisiana Tech University. After much procrastination, I completed a B.A. in Sociology in 2000. And what did that wonderful time at Tech prepare me for? Absolutely nothing. Which is why in spring 2003 I completed work on my MEd in secondary education. Call me crazy but I love (okay, maybe that's too strong a word...) working with high school kids. After 2 years as an English 3 teacher at Berkner High School in Richardson, TX, I have moved to parts south (Austin). I am currently a middle school U.S. History Teacher and cheerleading coach.

Aside from the career path, I am also a mom. William Garrett is 7, and keeps me busy. He is a blue-eyed little angel, and already promises to be quite the heartbreaker someday. He is the definition of constant motion and 100% boy (thanks to his uncle Mar-Mar). He is also quite the conversationalist and you can never be sure what he'll say next... (like Naked Boy Time!) He just completed first grade and his first year of baseball.

Anyone who knows me will say my tendencies run on the over-dramatic side, which isn't always a bad thing (especially when it involves the police!). For the past several years I have been involved with Ruston community theater, though post graduate studies meant I've had to watch more than participate. I've had the opportunity to be involved in a variety of plays, from "Father of the Bride" to the premier performance of "Sisters All". My farewell performance with RCT was with the one-act play "Princess Rebecca Birnbaum".(check out the hair!) While I haven't done much theater this year, I did get a chance to take the stage as a member of an all faculty rock band, Old Skool.

Hmmm, what else is there to tell? I love sports, indoor and out. I played softball in high school, basketball in college and every intramural you can imagine. I also paid my dues as both a cheerleader and mascot. Being from a small north Louisiana town you can't grow up with out spending some time at the dirt tracks, and that's developed into an intense NASCAR addiction. An addiction that's easily spread :) Over Christmas break 2005, I got married at the top of the Stratosphere Tower in Vegas. It was an incredible time and I'm enjoying the married life.

These are a few of my favorite things...

But wait....there's more!

Friends and Neighbors

Where I've Been

Rockin' out with the band

Picture Pages, Picture Pages

Deep Thoughts

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This page was created on Jan.6,1997 and is updated whenever I can remember my password. (Last updated 09 Jun 07)

Thanks to Geocities for providing the space and the new guestbook (that really does work!!)