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Personal Details Employment Record Academic Skills References

Christopher Haddow

Personal Details


14 Jacinth Drive

ME10 5JA


01795 599481



Marital Status:


Date of Birth:

16th August 1963

Employment Record

July 2001 -

British Broadcasting Corporation - Interactive Factual and Learning

Job Description

Webmaster (promotion)

  • Providing technical support to Web Producers.
  • Server side administration and development.
  • Producing and maintaining generic scripts and tools for content providers.
  • Testing, validating and publishing BBCi Factual and learning content.
  • Providing internal documentation on systems and networks.
  • Member of BBC Cascading Style Sheets Committee.

July 2000 - July 2001

British Broadcasting Corporation - Education

Job Description

Assistant Webmaster

  • Assisting Webmasters in above

19th July 99 - 14th July 2000

City University, London

Job Description

Web Assistant

  • Maintenance of core University pages http://www.city.ac.uk
  • Supporting the design and implementation of a new visual identity.
  • Support and training of FrontPage 98 users.
  • Producing and formatting statistics for the web site.
  • Dealing with e-mail and telephone enquiries to the web service

13th May 99 - 16th July 99:

British National Space Centre, London

Job Description:

Information Manager (Temporary Contract)

  • Management of BNSC's Web Site http://www.bnsc.gov.uk .
  • Supervising 2 members of staff.
  • Operating a current awareness service
  • Managing the Library Collection and maintenance of the catalogue
  • Answering a range of enquiries from the public, academia, business and the media
  • Training staff in the use of the internet and encouraging the use of electronic resources

1st Feb 96 - 27th Jan 99:

Higher Colleges of Technology, Ras Al Khaimah Men's College, UAE

Job Title:

Faculty Librarian

Job Description:

Responsibilities Included:

  • Set up and maintained the site Web Pages. Set up and maintained a site intranet
  • Site Representative on College wide Web Editorial Board sat on Communications Committee and Newsletter Editorial Team.
  • Managing a Learning Resources Center - Stock Selection and administration of a budget approximately equivalent to £26,316.
  • Supervising a full time Library Technician, part time assistant and student assistants.
  • Teaching Foundations Students Information Skills
  • Developing on-line materials for the information skills course
  • Teaching introductory Computer Courses (Microsoft Office Applications)

April 93-Jan 96:

Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen

Job Title:



April 92-March 93:

Hackney College Library, London 

Job Title:

Site Librarian


April 90-April 92:

Hackney College Library, London

Job Title:

Assistant Librarian


Aug 89-April 90:

Mackie Academy, Stonehaven,

Job Title:

School Librarian (Temporary - Covering Maternity Leave)



Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology, Aberdeen


Post Graduate Diploma in Librarianship and Information Studies



Aberdeen University, Aberdeen


MA. Hons in Sociology (2:1)



City University, London


Windows NT (10 week Course) 10 Credits
UNIX Tools and Administration (10 week Course) 10 Credits
Advanced Windows NT (10 week Course) 10 Credits



Strong Skills:

HTML, Javascript, Perl, UNIX Admin, Apache Web Server Admin, Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Frontpage, Dreamweaver

Working Knowledge:

XML/XSL, ASP, VB Script, SQL Server, IIS Admin, Visual Basic, Windows NT/2000 Admin, Macromedia Flash, Asymetrix ToolBook, WebCT.


I have supervised staff and managed budgets.

Team Work/Customer Care:

  • I am used to setting my own priorities and deadlines, but I also work well as part of a team.
  • I like to be able to take a pride in the quality of the services I provide and It has always been important to me to develop a close working relationship with both colleagues and users of the service I provide.



Available on request.