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Welcome to my web page

     Hello, and welcome to my presence on the web.  I have been on the web for about four years now, and my web page layout had been the same since I built the original page almost three years ago.  Please be patient while I am in the process of completing the reconstruction.  Be sure to stop in often, as the page will be changing quite a bit from what it used to be.  I am reintroducing the midi archive, which had been offline for quite a while.  I will also be updating many of my links and the humor page.  I think the new page will be much better than the old one was, so bear with me as it is designed and uploaded, Tom
Use the table to navigate my site.
About Me
updated 1/15/1999
Here you will find pictures and information about me.
My Hobbies
Updated 3/30/1999
CB Radio, Scanners, Ham Radio, Camping, music, online communication, and more...
Cool Links!!
Updated 3/30/1999
Here are some webpages other people built.
The Midi and Sound Archive
Updated 3/12/1999
It's been gone for a long time, but my midi archive is back with more files than ever before.
The Fire and EMS Page
Updated 3/30/1999
Here you will find a collection of fire and ems links.
last updated 3/30/1999
Here you will find something that resembles the former humor page on my website.


Send me some mail

Hits since January 17, 1999

©1999, Tom Houck