If you are a teacher or work with kids, this is the place for you. This list is mainly for grades K-8,
but there are some goodies for all ages. I hope this is a helpful place for you. Enjoy your visit
and please e-mail me if you have suggestions or comments.
Children's Ministry Today--Resources for puppet ministry, object lessons,
even some fun kids pages.
Fun for Kids--My own list of children's activities on my church's page.
Fine Arts
Children's Music Web--Links to children's music pages, soundclips, concert listings and more.
Crayola Art Education--Lots of ideas, plus a neat art program to enter in the classroom.
Foreign Language
Language Resources--Mostly for French teachers, but some other language links as well.
Language Arts
Children's Literature Web Guide-Here you will find lists of recommended
books, links to author web pages and online books, resources for teachers, and more. Definitely
worth looking at!
Advanced Book Exchange--Links you to lots of bookstores. If you are looking for a book, you will find it here.
Aaron Shepard, Author Online!--Folktales and stories, with resources and storytelling ideas.
Alex's Scribbles--Stories written by a four-year old. Gives one an idea of what kids can really do.
Young Writer's Clubhouse--Another great page to get kids excited by writing. The page is by a real author interested in getting kids started.
HarperCollins' Big Busy Schoolhouse--Even though the publisher does emphasize buying their books, there is a good deal of teacher guides and ideas for teaching liturature and connecting it with math and science.
teachers@random--Online teacher's guides and theme ideas for the books they publish.
MathMagic!--This is a program for all schools and grades. Good
AIMS Education Foundation--AIMS is a wonderful foundation that helps teachers integrate math and science with hands on activities. The website has catalog and workshop listings. It also has resouces and puzzles there too. A great resource.
National Wildlife Federation--Lots of environmental education including
things just for kids.
Bill Nye the Science Guy--If you know the show, you know the website. If
not, you definitely need to check it out. Mostly for 6-8th graders.
The Weather Channel--Again, just like on TV. Good weather maps.
The GLOBE Program--A program which brings real science study into the classroom. Students do real research for real scientists about weather, climate, and soil.
Dr. Slimes "Magic of Chemistry"--Slime! What could be more fun? Includes links to other good chemistry sites and slime recipies.
Social Studies
The Map Machine--Produced by National Geographic.
The Biographical Dictionary--Huge database with every famous person
one can think of.
Academy of Acheivement--A museum dedicated to great acheivers of the 20th century. Includes interviews, movie clips, and much more. Very well done.
CNN Online--Good for current events.
Electronic Field Trips--Mostly exploring the state of Texas, but a neat idea.
Civil War Index Page--A vast amount of information on all aspects of the Civil War.
KIDPROJ's Multi-Cultural Calendar--Holidays from all over the world. Indexed by month or region.
Classroom Managment/Assessment/Inclusion
Adjustments in Classroom Management--Good background on LD and ADHD children. Also, easy hints to make life in the classroom easier for both you and children with special needs.
The Natural Child Project--A project of concerned educators, psychologists, and parents to ensure the best growth of children without harm. Neat articles.
Other Resources
PBS Online--Links to many shows on PBS including Sesame Street, Nova,
Wishbone, and more.
Education World--A wonderful resource. Includes thousands of links, unit ideas, lesson plans, education news and more.
Classroom Connect on the Net--Links to resources, schools, and teachers.
Home Education Page--A page of resources by homeschoolers for
Alphabet Superhighway--Ideas for parents and teachers, plus some cool challenges for kids.
Discover Learning--A place for parents, teachers, and kids. Lots of ideas, challenges, and fun.
Early Childhood Index--A big index of articles, ideas, and research.
A Gazillion Things to Think About--What more can I say? This is a must see. I certainly learned some things.
Homework Central--A great resource for any homework, from first grade through postgraduate studies.
Free Stuff for Teachers--More free stuff! Who couldn't use that?
 I would love to hear your comments.
Last Updated 5-17-99