Birthday: May 28 My Hometown: Chattanooga, Tennessee
My School: Southern Adventist University My Major: Elementary Education
My Religion: Seventh Day Adventist
Pets: I love animals!! Currently I have a dog, Lassie, a cat, Gretchen, and a fish, a Corey
named Freddy.
Gif Copyright Kitty Roach
Favorite Things: Cats, Jeeps, The Outdoors, Rain, Music, Deep Thoughts, Bananas,
Impressionistic Art (especially Monet)
Hates: Tornados, Rudeness, Closemindedness
Interests: Reading, Photography, Travel, Cross Stich, Singing, Sewing, Playing the Flute
Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Food: Italian, Fruit, and Chocalate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Philiosophies in Life:
If the price tag isn't on it, that means it's free.
Smile, it confuses people.
Never ask questions. When you find out the answer, you'll wish you hadn't.
Always ask, What would Jesus do?
Well, that's the basics. If you really want to know anything else, you can sure ask.
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