Under Indefinite Construction!

Yes, yes, I know. My new page is still not up yet. Sorry!
Due to an inability to think of something new and decent to put on
my page and too much laziness and too little time to change it
anyway, I've decided to put this page under construction.

Everything originally on the page will still be here, but many of the
links may go dead before I ever get things redone... just a warning!

In the sixties, the generation of the "flower children" was, in general,
a time of experimentation and mental and spiritual freedom.

But today, my generation, "Generation X", is overrun with problems.
AIDS, alcohol and drug abuse, rape, profanity, and pornography are just
a few of the many growing problems in our world today. To top it off,
many in my generation still have a felling of complete freedom from the world.
In turn, they do nothing toward the furtherance of their educations or getting a job.
They either don't know what they want to do with their lives or are unwilling
to start a life for themselves.

Yesteryear's ideas are no longer appropriate for today's society and cultures.
We need to wake up and realize that we are on a downhill slope quickly rolling
to our doom if each of us doesn't take a stand and make a few changes in our lives.

I know that I am a little forward with my ideas, but it seems to be the best way of
getting my point across. Also, I know that there are others that agree with me.
I hope that you are one of them.

Please take time to view the rest of my page :-)

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