LOOK! In the water! Is it a fish? Is it a Submarine?
![]() No! It's a SCUBA DIVER!!! Welcome to the World of Scuba Diving!! Ever since man first saw fish swimming in the waters of the world, man has thought "How wonderful it would be to swim alongside fish in their aquatic kingdom...". Actually what man first thought was "Mmmm... Dinner!!"
But soon after (well along time after) scuba diving was
invented and here, now after months, er, weeks, er, minutes of
waiting, I present a Guide to
IMPORTANT NOTICE!! Find out how I'm a traitor and find out more about me!! If you would prefer to explore these pages yourself, the following links have been provided at no extra cost. A Scuba DiverAnd all that goes with him/her. Some Cool diving Photos Well I think they're cool. See What I've got planned for The Future of my web site. Realising that this is a University Guide to Scuba Diving I'm guessing here that it would be a good idea to have a link to my University and maybe, just maybe I also should give you a link to the University Sub Aqua Club as well. Maybe I'll give you a link to my department as well, The School of Cognitive Sciencs, also known as COGS. By the way, if you want to see what happens if a Citroen ZX forcably mixes a Vauxhall Astra with a lamp post. Have a look right here. Enjoy and please rate my site by following This Link back to the beginning and choose the rate my site option from Geocities' banner at the top of the page. Thanks for visiting!! Here's how many people have visited my web page since the 19th of March 1997. The magic number is = This number should be the same as the one on the first page, which is to say greater than 1264990 which is how many people have visited this site. The problem lies with Geocities and not with me.... I think. NEWS FLASH!!!!! Water is WET!! Scuba Diving takes you under water. Old dry suits have extra holes. Any one see a slight problem with the above? Please e-mail your comments to me at ianscott@iname.com |
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