Thi This
Is The Location Of Other Stuff
Okay, stop what you're doing and take note. Here
are some places you just HAVE to see. I assume that since you are at my
site you must have excellent taste.
Music, TV & Movies
- Riverdance is the *best* show
I have seen in quite a while.
- They can be seen on PBS.
- The Late Show with David Letterman
is where I first saw them perform.If you are at a total loss as to what
I'm talking about let me tell you a little about them. The show is mainly
dance, song and music of the Celtic type. You have got to see what their
legs can do!
- It's amazing. If you like Enya then
you'll like the tunes they pump out just fine. For some reason the beat
of some of the songs seems really tribal to me...and I like it. Visit their
site and check out the video and audio clips.
- BTW there is a great site for a movie that I was in and sort of worked
. It's a great movie, I saw a rough cut of it and went to a test screening.
It's coming out soon!!! Late December or January. Go see it, it's GREAT!
Brenden Frasier won Seattle Needle award for best actor in this film. Plus
you'll get a look at San Antonio, Tx. Home of yours truly.
- Visit my local rock station KISS 99.5
- In search of the real words to your favorite song? Search for them
- I LOVE sifl-n-olly
- Discovery Channel
- The X-Files , this
link will take you to the official web site. Here you can chat with other
X-Philes about all sorts of stuff from present and past episodes, theories
on plots and characters to anything that is related to the topic of the
unexplained. Spooky....Mulder that is.
Paranormal, Sci-Fi & Horror
- Speaking of paranormal happenings check out my stories
page. Is it real or is it Bull-onie? Here are a few places you might want
to check out. There are tons more but you'll just have to wait ;-P
- Try the PSI test here
to see if you have any ESP.
- Need a fix of BS? Boy have I got the site for you! I hope you have
hours on end to browse through Urban
Legends THE place to find BS on any topic. It's a great place to brush
up on Ghost stories and the like.
- Like science fiction? Then go to the Dominion
to see what cool stuff the Sci-Fi channel has for you.
- What about horror you ask? Then check out The
Official Anne Rice Home Page I love going to see what she has instore
for us next.
- CHAT CHAT CHAT ... yes, I chat. I swore I never would but I do.
It's all my friend Beth's (aka Damn_Beth and Ethbay) fault. And now I have
corrupted my friend Shannon (aka BeerDrinkinBarbi). I'll let you guess
what my handle is, has to do with a creature I am obsessed with... So,
go to Yahoo! Chat and see if one of
us is on line chatting away. Best place to check...Books and Lit, Pets
and animals, General and of course Gen-X.
- BUT WAIT! Now there is ICQ the
best place to chat with all your friends or to make new ones. Create your
own topic group or join one.
- And of course I have my own chat room on the index
You want cool stuff for your home page? Visit these awesome sites:
I would like to link you to some cool Home Pages that have done me the
favor of linking to my Home Page.
- Visit a bum to see
some cool stuff.
- Zubba Dubba on line
has cool stuff about ferrets.
- Gotta visit Ryan's
Home Page if you like snowboarding and mountain biking.
- Be sure to go by Michael
Cole's Home Page too!
- You've heard it before, "Everyone and thier mother has a web page
now!" And you guessed it so does my mom. Visit
her site for info on education and tech stuff!
Be sure to let me know if you are going
to put a link on your page to mine so I can do the same for you!
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