Hello, my name is Halo. I am here to tell you about my daily snuggles wif weighing six pounds. I have an dopted brother named Booger and an dopted sister named Tavi. When my pet humans brought me home I fit in de palm of my female humans hand. But now I am twice as big as my brudder and sister combineded. Dis is good when I am attackling dem. I can jump on der backs and pin dem down so as I can chew on der necks :*) But then der is de down side, and when I say down side I mean DOWN side.
De above photo is of ME an' Booger. I am de one on top of him. It's an old photo tho, back whens I was a baby. You can go to Mommy's ferret page to see more photos of us if you wants to.
Booger can jump from one ferret castle (piece of furniture) to de next wif no problem. But I can't even climb up de ferret castle dat my humans sit on all the time. I try to pull myself up but alas my fuzzy butt is too heavy :*( An' when I jump down I make a big THUD! Sometimes my human (she calls hersef 'Mommy' when she peetends we can talk to her) mommy will feel sorry fer me an' put me up der on de ferret castle so as I can play wif who she calls 'the other evil couch ferrets' what ever dat means.
Den der is de toobs. We have all sorts of toobs dat we can play in but I don fit in some of dem any more. I'm too fat! All I can get in der is my head an' de other ferrets laugh at me.:*( Dey can get in der an' turn all around an' go back de other way but I can't. De worst was when I got in de slinky plastic toob an' I got stuck. De other ferrets rolled on de ground an' jumped up an' down laughing.
Some times mommy will put as in dis big box, dat she keeps all de good stinky removable fur dat dey wears, in. An' we play an' fight but den when we get bored de other ferrets can jus' jump right out of de box but I am trapped in der til mommy picks me up.
Well, I has to go now so as I can go eats a snack. I'll write again soon. Bye!.....Oh! You alls can send me letters if yous has any questions about me an' my family or what it's like being a fat ferret.
Hi Der! Once again I am heres to tells you alls about what is going on in my fat ferret life. Well, today I was sleeping in my nice warm ferret bed when all of a sudden my 'daddy' came in an' grabbeded me. I thought "Well, ok he just wants to give me kisses or someting." But NOOO! He sticks me in de little ferret cage. Den I thought "Hrm...Maybe we is going to visit my granma or someting." We gets in his big noise maker dat makes places come to us and it brings us de place dat smells funny. We goes in an' him is all sad, he gives me kisses an' pets me den HE LEAVES! I had been to dis place before,dey had pokeded me when's I was a baby fert.
De lady in de white coat pokeded me again an' I went to sleep. When's I woked up my bottom an' my leg hurted an' I tried to look but I jus' fell ober. De peoples dat were der kep coming in an' talking to me an' petting me. I went back to sleep for a while an' whens I woke up I was ready to play but dey would not let me.
Finally, my mommy came to gets me an' we gots in her new noise maker. I likes it a lot because the ceiling has a big hole in it an' I can watch as tings go by.
Whens home was brought to us we got inside but she would not let me in de big cage wif Tavi an' Booger. She helded me for a while an' said dat I had been 'noodered' what ever dat means. Alls I knows is dat my bottom hurts, I'm not allowed to play an' I feel a little lighter.
I have a secret to tell you alls. Don tell mommy. I am going a hunger strike. I will not eat in the little cage. I will only eat in de big cage wif my brudder an' sister. Dat'll teach her! I hopes I win soon I'm starting to get hungry.
Hey, all yous ferrets out der! You can get your owns FREE Home
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