Games and The Like (FREE stuff too!)
Just thought some of you might like
to visit a few places that can be a little fun or that offer Free Stuff
At Riddler
you solve riddles, with clues, to win caps. Once
you've won a certain number of caps for a particular prize you can cash
them in for it. Ya, it can take a lot of caps to win something, but if
you really have nothing better to do you can collect them in no time.FREE
Yes, it's pretty much the same game your grandmother
plays at church. But you can win up to $20 a game. Games are played every
twenty minutes and it's FREE.
You may have already won $10
MILLION!!!! That's right, you can browse through some mags that you
don't really want. Check out some Stuff you don't really need. And register
to win some cash that hangs out with the Easter Bunny.And it's FREE!
Hit the freeway baby! The FREE-way
that is. You want free stuff? They got free stuff. Samples, Services, CD's,
Mags, Catalogs, CASH!!! Also pretty cool if you have nothing better to
do. Yes, I've had nothing better to do as you can tell...but it's FREE!