I have been asked a lot lately, "Can you help me with my forms?" and "How do you do that?" So, here it is, this is how I made the form on my page.
To make a form I went and bought a HTML book that had all the info on how to make the check boxes or radio buttons and other form stuff. But since you probably don't want to do that here it is plain and simple.
Decide on what you want to know. Then go to a site that has a form you like and hit "View". Select "Document Source". A new window will open showing you the HTML code that was used. Just copy the parts you like and put it in your page, changing the questions of course.
Then go to
There, GeoCities will tell you the code to put on your page and how to do it. There are links there to more detailed forms sites. If you are too lazy to do that here is the short version of what it says.
To use this script, simply define your form with the following text:
<form method=post action="/cgi-bin/homestead/">
where "member_name" is your GeoCities member name. You can then develop any form that you'd like to use, and get the results sent to your mailbox.
You put that text after your intro paragraph and before your "form code". Note: You will have to write this out in code. You can make the background, text color and all that using say Netscape Gold then upload it to your GeoCities account and use the advanced editor to type in the form code you are using.
So it will look like this:
<TITLE>“your title”</TITLE>
blah blah here is where your page generator puts its info. Eg. if you are using Netscape Gold </HEAD> <BODY blah blah this is where your page generator puts color information. Up to this point your generator puts all the info in when you start creating your page. If you are doing this by hand then you know what you are doing already and I don’t need to tell you.
<H1 ALIGN=“CENTER”>Welcome to blah blah</H1>
<P>This is what I want to know.....blah blah....</P>
<P></P> (this just gives a paragraph separation)
( don't type this, it is just me telling you something. HERE IS THE MEAT OF YOUR CODE)
<FORM ACTION=“/cgi-bin/homestead/” METHOD=“POST”>
<P>email address: <INPUT NAME=“visitor_email”></P> (This will look like
email address [_______] (open box to type in)
<P>Have you picked your nose lately?</P>
<P>No<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="No"></P> (This will look like
Have you picked your nose lately? Yes [] No[]
If you are using a multiple choice forms (see * at bottom)
You continue doing this until you have what you need. To make a comments box do the following.
<P>This is where I would like to to tell me to piss off and do a better job next time.<TEXTAREA NAME=“comments” ROWS=“5” COLS=“40”></TEXTAREA></P> (That will make a text box for your guest to write in. To adjust the size just change the rows and cols numbers.)
Now to make your submit and reset buttons do this.
<P><INPUT TYPE=“SUBMIT” VALUE=“submit form”></P>
<P>Thanks for taking the time to fill out this form.</P>
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="student">Student
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="cashier">Cashier
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="nanny">Nanny
and this will look like, so that the guest may check which (as many) ones apply.
Well, now you want to know what about radio buttons. If one is selected then no other may be selected also. Radio button code looks like this.
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="the Type" VALUE="animal">Animal<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="the Type" VALUE="vegetable">Vegetable<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="the Type" VALUE="mineral">Mineral<BR>
The above will look like:
If you try this out and find that it is still too difficult or confusing, let me know and I will polish this or try to help one on one. Please don't be mad if I take a while to get back to you. I have a very busy schedule and it is hard for me to get on line.