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Mission: To seek out Travis Krick, code name Krick Dawg``````````Da Krickness````````````Slikkrik
To: All that may dare to try
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 180 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde``````Brown`````Unknown
Last Seen: Bremerton High School, probability of ever returning = 0.00 %
Hobbies, Interests, etc: The subject enjoys playing all types of sports, including baseball, basketball, football, snowboarding, tennis, hiking, bowling, swimming, and even ping pong.
Travis is a computer geek````nerd````user, and may be on the internet as we speak. Travis enjoys hanging out with friends, big pimpin' on girls, and quoting himself with funny sounds or phrases, which you will be briefed on.
For more information, the following briefings are available: college life, family
Search for slikkrik with a quickness`````````krickness. Good Luck
That is the end of the briefing for write now`````````right now. Mission Impossible out.
-unknown source