Welcome to my Guestbook!

BlueUnicorn - 04/21/00 12:46:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/blueunicorn1
My Email:joni@gte.netq

Thanks for the compliment on my sire. I found a couple of interesting things on yours, like the calculator. I'm meeting a lot of people from WA lately.

JK - 04/09/00 04:06:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jagan-kaja
My Email:jagan-kaja@geocities.com
Quote: "There will be enough time to sleep after life" -Mother Teresa

you've got one cool site. liked the music you have going in the background. thanks for stopping by my homepage (which hasn't been update for ages and looks like shit compared to yours!) and signing my guest book. Well, good luck and keep up the good page ou have.

joaquin serrano - 04/06/00 19:14:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/joaco17
My Email:joaquin_serrano@hotmail.com


Kasper Bang - 03/19/00 15:58:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/collegepark/5555
My Email:932205@ps.au.dk

Hi Travis. Liked your hp as well - it has got a more modern look to it than my oldschool page has... Is it Slikkrik as in the rapper Slick Rick? :-)

Michelle - 03/07/00 01:17:28
My URL:/CollegePark/Campus/4127

Hey there! This is my second time to your site (my computer just shut down with all your JAVAs). I'm not complaining however since I find that change of background thing really neat... and also your clock. You've done a great job with your site. Thank for stopping by mine and signing the guestbook.

christylynn7 - 11/30/99 22:59:50
My Email:christylynn7@hotmail.com
Quote: to be me and not to be you

what up Krick dog. whats happenin hot stuff. Good luck at finals to you and anyone else. peace love T

l-trian..l-train - 11/30/99 02:45:44
Quote: "or what not"

Just thought I'd tell you I love you!!

Travis Krick - 11/30/99 01:38:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tmkallday
My Email:tkallday@u.washington.edu
Quote: and i'm out in da krickness

This is the tightest web page i've seen. You must be a stud Slikkrik. :o)

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