Jared Richardson - 08/26/00 04:07:09
My Email:texasagg@hotmail.com
lost but not forgotten!!
Angelic Vampire a.k.a. Glass Bubbles - 04/13/00 04:06:30
My Email:cute_angle10@hotmail.com
Well just wanted to say
I'll always be ur faithful fan!!!!
*waves a little flag*
Todd Zatopek - 12/13/99 19:20:01
My Email:todd_zatopek@hotmail.com
Some of the classic memories: the sailing trips on lake Travis; Graham Street; splashed blood on our mirror from the scuffle in dorm 12 our pisshead year; Tommy, Chris and I prior to FOW when Tim Isgitt recruited us; the road trip to Breen's land prior t
hell week; homecoming Fall '92; rehearsal dinner Aug. 6; ski trips to Sonlight; ski trips to Keystone; Sangria Wine at the Dixie Chicken
Kolby Shipman - 12/10/99 21:07:05
My Email:kolby@mailcity.com
Chris was the buddy that understood best why I took off a year after graduation to fish the streams, sky the slopes, and hunt the mountains. He only wondered why I stopped and sold out to the lye and starting sitting in the office working on computers.
wonder if he would have ever settled down and quit going to Chili sking or dreaming of that Alaska dog sled trip or taking off the afternoon in the middle of the week to go sailing because the wind was up and the sun was out and life is short, I like to
hink he would of kept on living life to the fullest.
Kold Beer '96
Kathleen Wayland - 12/09/99 19:21:17
My Email:kwayland@ednet10.net
I only got to know Chris for a week during a ski trip, but I am thankful I got to know him. He was very special. I ask God to hold up his family and friends during this very hard time. May each of you feel God's presence and His love for you.
Brian Johnson - 12/09/99 03:27:46
My Email:bjohnson96@sprintmail.com
I am sitting here writing this and I'm thinking, why am I more special, to Chris, than everybody else. There strange thing is that Chris made everybody feel special. He had a way to make you feel so good, so happy and make you laugh unbelievable. There
is not a day that goes by, that I don't hear him laughing at me or making fun of some stupid thing I've done. He is dearly missed by me and hundreds, maybe thousands of other people but remember, he will always be with us. He may not be laughing at you
like he does me, but he is with you.
Aaron Flautt '98 - 12/03/99 23:04:54
My Email:a_flautt@yahoo.com
Charlie Carr - 12/03/99 22:12:39
My Email:cthomascarr23@yahoo.com
Danny Davis - 12/03/99 22:07:27
My Email:dough96@ev1.net
Not a day will go by that I won't be thankful that I was able to call Chris "Friend". See ya' on the other side Breeno!!
trip franty '98 - 12/03/99 21:58:02
My Email:tripf98@hotmail.com
we'll always miss, but never forget you breen-o!!!
Charlie Koehn '97 - 12/03/99 21:33:34
My Email:ckoehn@dynamsys.com
God bless the Air Crap!
Thomas Hollahan - 12/02/99 22:03:27
My Email:thollahan@aol.com
I would hear the door to my apartment open from my room, then I would hear the refrigerator door open, and when I walked into the living room, Chris would be on my couch watching TV with a beer in his hand. I would even come home from school, and Chris wo
ld have gotten in the house somehow, grabbed a beer, and pitched a tent in front of the TV. It was a great feeling to come in and see Chris. I know several people can share similar Chris sightings, and not a one of them would have preferred him to not be
here. He was, and always will be, welcome.
Robert & Misty Keck - 12/02/99 22:02:57
My Email:rmkeck96@aol.com
Robert, Jarrod and I will miss Chris's calls most of all. He would call us every few weeks this summer and tell us he was coming to Savannah to make another delivery for Kactus Koral. Jarrod loved to sit in his big truck! We had a lot of fun showing Ch is
around Savannah. He once brought us a plant (probably one he was supposed to deliver) and now that plant will be getting extra special care. We really miss him, but are happy that he was able to spend time with us and our son.
Gretchen Perkins - 12/02/99 22:02:15
My Email:TXGAP73@aol.com
I thank God for all the times and memories we had with Chris.......he will be remembered and missed by so many of us and our friends..