My name is Stacey and this is my homepage. This is my first attempt at creating anything on the internet, so I hope you like it. For now, this page will have some pictures of me and my friends. As I have more free time, I will be able to expand this site and have a little more fun with it. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy my creation!
Awww...Nikki, Derek, and I having fun on New Years
Charlie's Angels...aka Alyssa, Nikki and me
Alyssa and Nikki looking as beautiful as ever!
Alyssa and I having a good time before the APO pajama party
Derek on the night of his 21st.
A quick smile during our Thanksgiving feast. Niels can cook a wonderful turkey!
Lots of fun at the bowling alley!
If you wanna see some more stuff about me just click on any of these: