Name: ThuyDiem
Date of birth:09/21
Birth Place:VietNam
Weight:102 lbs
Present resident:MA, USA
What I want to be:A good care taker, a best friend,
a great lover, and a talented in Engineering
Hobbies:Surf the net, play tennis & tic tac toe (caro), read books, and cook
Favorite music:Pops, alternative, soft rock...VN & ENG
Favorite songs:Power of love, Chieu mot minh qua pho...
Favorite singers:Celine Dion, The Son
Favorite book:Les Miserables (Victor Hugo)
Favorite food:Vietnamese, Chinese, and McDonal's
Favorite movies:Gone with the wind
Favorite places:Washington D.C., St.Luis-USA
Quebec-Canada. VungTau, LongHai, PhanThiet-VietNam
Favorite flower:Roses
Favorite animal:Pupies
Favorite TV show:Friends!
Favorite day:Saturday
Favorite month:September! (My B-Day)
Favorite holiday:Christmas
Favorite season:Autumn
Favorite colour:Blue
Favorite candy:Chocolate
Best advice ever given:"Never give up anything you desire"
Best quote ever heard:"Nothing is impossible to a willing mind"

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