About Me
Well I take it you wish to know more about your internet host? Well, you have come to the next best place to asking me in person. I am a 5th year graduating senior at California Polytechnic State University (Calpoly) in San Luis Obispo, California. My current schedule can be found here. My entered this institution as a Computer Science major and have since moved to the Biology department and now finally as of Fall 2002 a Biochemistry major. While still early in my learning career my definite intrests seem to lie in Biochemistry, Cellular Biology, and Genetics. I was orginally born in San Pedro, California where I lived until I was 7 years old. Upon the completion of first grade I moved to Chino Hills, CA where I attended three different schools in the 4 years that I lived there. At the age of eleven my mom, sister and myself moved up to the beautiful town of Missoula, Montana where I went to Middle School and eventually graduated from Sentinel High School. While my High School education was years ago now I am still impressed with the education I got there and I am greatly thankful to all the teachers who put the time and effort into teaching me. Starting this fall I will be starting graduate school at the University of Colorado Boulder in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology.
My family unit is a strange one. In addition
to myself I have one younger sister,
Samantha, don't call
her Sami (she doesn't go by that name anymore), who is getting her degree
in Hotel and Restaurant Management at Cornell University. She is better known
as my Cheerleading, Sorority, Ivy league going sister. She doen't really fit
much of a sterotype huh? In addition to my sister there is my mom who currently
lives in Superior, Montana. Where she takes care of our two cats, three birds
and the latest addition to our family unit, Jerry,
whom she married in Feb '02 (not to worry, Jerry is neither a cat or a bird).
In addition to the small nuclear family unit I mentioned there are also my
newly aquired step brother and step sister (who I call Jerry's Kids) and my
half brother and half sister from my Dad. My dad lives in the only cloudy
area in southern calfornia, better known as Rancho Palos Verdes. He works
as a real estate appraiser there and because of his residence in California
made Cal Poly a choice for academic future. And the last leg of my family
is my dad's girlfriend's family composed of Diane, his girlfriend, and her
son Dave and her daughter Amy, the perpetual student who has goals to go to
medical school someday despite many hardships.
People who know me, often don't think I am a complex person but more silly than anything else. I don't try to take things to seriously on the outside. While I stress out about school and the smaller things in life I also am very sarcastic (thank my mom for THAT one). In addition to school my other passion in life are theme parks. Disneyland will always be the best because of its excetric themeing and great atmosphere. Knott's has the small charm that the larger theme parks lack and Magic Mountain is my source for thrills and adreniline rushes.
For straight facts about me go here.
My attempt at an online journal can be found here.